Cossover recommendation for Dynacord d-lite series
Cossover recommendation for Dynacord d-lite series? I am a DJ. I have a Dbx driverack pa, And I have a dynacord d-lite system. I have two D12w tops and a Dynacord sub 115. The whole system is passive. I use a europower EP 2500. What baseline setting should I use to start with the RTA the automatic equalization?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you in advance!
From the DBX driverack use the DJ setting option: 2way/with mono sub
Highs@ 30hz Linkw24 Gain 0
Mids@ 50hz linkw24 Gain 0
Lows@ 280 hz Linkw
Sub-Harmonic synth - on
24 to 36 hz level- 30%
36 to 56 hz level- 80 %
Compressor- on
Over Easy- 4
Threshold- 20
1.4: 1 Gain 10 dB
Highs- on
Lows- on
Used Amp option Crown Macrotech 3600
This setting works great for my system
It appears that you have scrolled through the different screens and written down what is shown from the canned parameters for the \"DJ\" program. I wish I had my PA in front of me. I can't make heads or tails of the x-over settings you've included either. The compressor setting in particular is puzzling. The threashold is set to kick in compression at the point that you are maxxing your output and when you're not at max you're telling the compressor to boost the output 10 db. That will make it all loud, all the time. I guess you play electronic music. Think about this. Artists who produce this type of music know what it is used for. If the intent was to compress all the dynamic range out of it, why wouldn't they record it that way. You really stand the risk of shreading your speakers and over heating your amp.
You can set-up as you wish, but so you can compare, start from scratch and set up a custom 2x3 with custom tops / subs and custom amps. Use Gadget's recommendations for x-over settings and leave everything else alone. Set your gain struction per the back of the book and set the limiters. Then do your tweaking if need be.
Your user name sounds familiar to me...maybe from the prosoundweb forum?... Anyways, you probably already know: the Behringer EP2500 is a QSC RMX2450 clone... Don't know very much about the DRPA but I would use the RMX2450 as a baseline amp if it's available in the configuration menu...:)
Gaget, Thank you for your imputs. The equalization lango is new to me. I don't quiet get it even after I read the literatures of theold forum and the nwe forum on DBX driverack; that was one of the reason why I have asked you to give me baby steps for me to get
Anyhow, by playing and tweaking some more with my system these are the settings that I came up with. Unless someone can tell me better to make my system sound even better. I will be sticking to those settings.
I have not been to the Virtual DJ forum but I'll have to check it out... I recently installed a new sound system in the youth area at our church... I used nine of the EP2500s along with a DriveRack 260... Six of the amps are in bridge-mono mode for the PA,...and the other three are in stereo mode for monitor mixes... So far...I am very satisfied with the performance of these amps,...not to mention the affordable price point...:)