Yorkville EX2000 Settings
Hi there:
I have an old set of Yorkville EX2000s, and the only help I've found from Yorkville is that they should be crossed at 1500 Hz. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has slightly more helpful information. EAW is great about providing processor settings for their speakers, why can't yorkville?
I have an old set of Yorkville EX2000s, and the only help I've found from Yorkville is that they should be crossed at 1500 Hz. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has slightly more helpful information. EAW is great about providing processor settings for their speakers, why can't yorkville?
I also have an 1994 product catalog.
The catalog show a response of 55 - 20K.
1000w prog
cab = 4 ohm
Sensitivity = 105
Max SPL = 135
1.5K cross from 15's to 2\" horn
8K cross from 2\" horn to 1\" Tweet
Horn disp = 60 x 40
Sub crossover = 90 @ 18 slope
Internal passive crossovers have 18 db slopes
You can use the proccesor graphs at a guide for the settings. I wish they would just give the info instead of forcing us to adjust and check, fiddle and check, fiddle and faddle. But they don't.....
If you are really lucky, Gadget has a pair of older Elite cabs, maybe even the 2000's, and can shed some light from his findings.