Lockup while using firmware updater
Updating DR260 to firmware version 1.6000
Hooked up cable, booted computer and DR260, loaded software, opened software
Started update, seems like everything was working, but then...... the DR260 locked up
When it locks up, the DR260 display says:
WRITE ADDR 00002121
The computer screen says:
Error sending data
I shut off DR260 and rebooted. The display says:
Waiting for Flash Download
It's stuck. Reboots don't help.
What to do?
Hooked up cable, booted computer and DR260, loaded software, opened software
Started update, seems like everything was working, but then...... the DR260 locked up
When it locks up, the DR260 display says:
WRITE ADDR 00002121
The computer screen says:
Error sending data
I shut off DR260 and rebooted. The display says:
Waiting for Flash Download
It's stuck. Reboots don't help.
What to do?
If not, hard reset.
(Didn't see that in the directions)
It will not hard or soft reset now, with or without the computer hooked up
When I boot the DR-260 now, the display says:
Waiting for Flash Download
Let us know if you have success, would you?
This thread is almost 2 months old. You may need to PM him.
I've experienced the precise situation as described above by floodstage. Since then I've contacted support who suggested that I adjust the com port baud rate to 38400. This did not help. It was then suggested that the Pentium II 333mHz laptop I'm using might be \"underpowered\" for the update. This left me with two choices: 1) purchase a USB - Serial adapter and use another machine to attempt the update or 2) send the 260 unit to a service center for reset/update.
I went with option 1 which, upon installing the adapter drivers and updater software on another machine, gave me immediate results. I was surprised how long the update took but it went without a hitch!
I hope this helps others or in the least offers a little insight as to why the update may fail. As a side note, I recommend this adapter by KEYSPAN and avoid Belkin.
Thanks for the info!... It will definately come in handy...:)
After my last post, I dealt with support through e-mail and then phone. We tried a number of things (using different versions of firmware update software, attempting to reset in a number of ways, etc..) Once they determined it wasn't user error on my part, they issued an RA. I shipped the 260 to DBX. They found a problem in the circuitry behind the control panel, fixed the problem, updated the firmware, and sent it back to me all in a very short amount of time. (10 calendar days including shipping both ways)
The 260 has been back for quite a while and has been working fine using the new firmware update.
PS- Curious... who paid shipping to and from?
Once they got it on the bench, they found the problem and said that it was an very unusual problem (one I assume they thought shouldn't happen) so they took care of it and ate the service fee and shipping. If it had been a user inflicted problem, I would have had to pay.
DBX was more than fair with me and I will remember that when I get ready to buy my next DSP!
i have this trouble too... You found solution?
1) What operating system are you using?
2) Does you computer have a serial comm. port or are you using an USB adapter?... If you're using an USB adapter what is the make and model?
3) How old is you computer and what speed is it?
1) Iam use next computers:
- Win XP SP1 (P3 733)
- Win XP SP2 (P4 1.8)
- Vista - dont work (Core2 Duo 2.1)
2) all computers have own com-port
com port speed 34800
when i setup 1.510 firmware i get next message:
if press PREV PG DR260 says:
Waiting for Flash Download
PC says: Error sending data
This what I recommend:
1) Use the computer with WinXP SP2 (P4.1)8)... 2) Go to: My Computer->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports (Com & LPT)->Com1 (if Com1)->Port Setting Tab and make sure your comm. port is set to 38400, 8, none, 1, none...
Note: If your comm. port is not \"Com1\" then make sure you match the comm. port number on the firmware update screen...3) Do a Hard Factory Reset on DriveRack.
Factory (“HARD�) Reset
Press and hold the <STORE> button at power-up until the following message appears: “! HARD RESET?� “Yes <PREV PAGE>� \"No <PROGRAM>� • Pressing the <PREV PAGE> button will start a Factory Reset (All User Programs will become copies of the Factory Programs, all Utility settings will be defaulted, and all Security settings will be defaulted). • Pressing the <PROGRAM> button will abort the Factory Reset sequence and the unit will reset normally.
4) Following this procedure (carefully) step by step...
5) If the firmware update is sucessful repeat step 3), and do another Hard Factory Reset...
Post back and let me know how it goes...
They helped me out and my 260 has been working great ever since.
(It did require a trip back to the factory for service though)
Just my..$.02 :roll:
Com port settings - OK!
Hard reset - don't work ((((
Did you try the update with the computer that has WinXP SP2 (P4.1)?...
Also,...like Gadget recommended the update may not be worth it... If the DriveRack is locked-up PM me your email address and I can send you an earlier firmware to try...
yes, XP SP2, P4 2.40GHz.
see PM, i send my e-mail
When my 260 locked, I tried rebooting, loading older firmware (tried 2 different versions), etc etc etc. It would act like it was going to load the firmware but wouldn't ever complete the process. Nothing would make it do anything.
If you are truly locked like I was (can't reset, can't load older firmware, etc) then you won't be getting it fixed until you involve DBX tech support. Call them! I'm glad I did. They were very helpful, took care of me, and my 260 works great now (going on 20 shows since the repair)
I just emailed you the earlier version of firmware... Use the WinXP SP2 (P4.1) to load this... If this does not work let us know... You may need to do the same thing that floodstage has done and will have to send your unit to a DBX repair center... Since you're located in Russia I may like to try a few more things before you do that...
I had realized that the older firmware I sent you was ver 1.510 which is what you are trying to install... The current firmware is ver 1.6.00 so I also sent that one for you to try out... If this version doesn't load either very quickly fast cycle power (toggle the on/off switch very fast two or three times) to your DriveRack... Then try the hard reset procedure again... If that doesn't work try the following soft reset procedure:
System (“SOFT�) Reset
• Press and hold the <UTILITY> button at power-up until the following message appears: “! SOFT RESET?� “Yes <PREV PAGE>� “No <PROGRAM>� • Pressing the <PREV PAGE> button will start a System Reset (All Utility settings will be defaulted.) • Pressing the <PROGRAM> button will abort the System Reset sequence and the unit will reset normally.
Post back and let know how it goes...
firmware 1.510 get next results:
WRITE ADDR 00002217
PC: 10-20secconds freezed, then say \"Error sending data\"
1.6 freezing on WRITE ADDR 0000230D
procedure \"on-of\" DR dont get positive result...
soft & hard reset dont work....
Go to: My Computer->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports (Com & LPT)->Com1 (if Com1)->Port Setting Tab
This time click on \"restore defaults\"... This will set your comm. port speed to 9600... Also click on advanced button and click on \"restore defaults\"... Try upgrading the firmware again with the default settings... The comm. port should automatically adjust to the DriveRack if it needs to... If this doesn't work then I would also try the computer with WinXP SP1 (P3 733)...
If this works then I would try to load the current firmware I sent you ver 1.6.00... If you do get the firmware upgrade loaded be sure to do a hard reset afterwards...
It appears that the comm. port is dropping communications with the DriveRack during the upgrade... I have worked with another user that had a very similar problem but they were using an USB adapter... They had tried three different adapters and we found that the Keyspan USA-19HS solved the problem... I don't know if these are available in your country but Keyspan does have an \"international page\" under \"where to buy\"... This adapter is also Vista compatible...8)
The only other option at this point is to send your DriveRack to DBX for repair as floodstage did... Sorry,...I wish I could have been more help...:(
kpippen, thank you for help! I send message to DBX tech.support.
Sorry,...can't say we didn't try... Post back and let us know what they find...