\"dbx® User's Group Forum Index\" This link is at the top and bottom of every page. Click it. It takes you to the main page that you have seen a million times. The top section, READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING (RMFBP or RMF) has 4 catagories. The first three are usefull. Ignore the last one.
I'll try and get a diagram together.. but imagine the front of the stage as our '0' line now, draw a line 90 degrees (strait out from the stage on either side of the stage...set the first twospeakers on that line pointing strait out... now as your looking out away from the stage standing behind the speaker on the right aim it out 10-15 degrees(right) now go to the other speaker on the left and aim it 10-15 degrees to the left ... so now you have the speakers on the outside of the stage aimed slightly away from the center... right?
Now place the other two on the inside of those speakers we just aimed... standing behind the outside speakers, use your arms to make a 90 degree angle with the 45 degree mark being the center of the speaker... visualize this as the coverage of this speaker... now turn the other speaker inward (so that they are as close together as possible) (across the stage) so that when you do the same 90 degree pattern behind it, that the second 90 degree pattern just touches the first... this coverage is basically from 1000 hz up only though, the more LF you go the more omni directional the sound becomes...
Now you have the outside two aimed slightly outward, the inner two aimed radically inward, and they are as close together as possible...The subs are in the middle, the outer speakers will be covering the majority of the room, the inner speakers will be covering the center... dance floor and some of the stage, so it's important that they are as flat as possible sound wise... do the 'New indoor auto EQ method\" as we spoke of before thats in the RMFBP section FAQ's) on one top and add the same EQ to all 4...Subs in the middle, and a 2X5 or 2X6 setup would be fine...
Thanks Gadget! Its coming more clear now with speaker positioning setup. For the Auto EQ can I prepare that at home or is best if I do it at the location. I'm just worry that I wouldn't get enough time. But if is 30 second that shouldn't be too bad. Should I fine tune it with PEQ after Auto EQ?
\"so that when you do the same 90 degree pattern behind it, that the second 90 degree pattern just touches the first... this coverage is basically from 1000 hz up only though, the more LF you go the more omni directional the sound becomes... \" Sounds all I'm doing here is angle the inside speakers 45 degree inward right? Should both pair be the same height?
I'm trying to get a picture of the stage so you can see exactly what it looks like but its going to take me hour haft drive. I will try.
It is possible for me to download a reset to get me started from for this particular setup?
What should I set my High Pass and Lo Pass?
Also for the gain structure setup, can I just use the Pink Noise CD that I downloaded for all the channel or I should do it with the actual instrument plug in for each channel. Thanks much Gadget!
Gain structure:
Use the Pink noise to set the structure for the Board outputs (meters) through to the amps only. The actual channels on the mixer have to be done one at a time WITH THE INPUT FOR THAT CHANNEL. You can use a pink noise CD for any Trax channels, but all others need to be the instrament or vocalist / mic that will drive that input.
Auto EQ:
What Gadget is saying, is not to Auto EQ the room, but Auto EQ the speakers for flatness so that when you get in the room you have less problems. He mentioned the \"Indoor method\" as a substitute for the regular \"Outdoor method\". But you have to follow the directions that he layed out in the RMF section.
Thank so much for clarifying this DRA. I think I kinda get the idea of the Auto EQ for the speaker setup.
Gain Structure:
Since these speaker are Active and there is no knob to adjust on the back. It sound like I'll be doing it with the Mic plug in the channel or the actual instrument sounding for each channel.
Gain. Start with the input on the speaker at -0- point (detent) and push it until either the board or the speaker gets into the red. If the board bumps red then turn up the speaker until the limiter kicks in. The the speaker limits then turn it down. Keep working until they happen at the same time (or with the speaker limiting a little ahead probably preferred).
Pink noise is probably not recommended. Gadget?
Flatness. Look at the plot in the manual. There are several dips and humps that the PEQ's can fix even though they are within the +/-3db that is a 6db swing.
Thanks DRA! These speakers \"SR1530z\" it does not have volume knob on the back or any other knob on the back to push or turn. I use the GUI to do the initial gain structure. Would that work?
Gain Structure: Will this work?
I have all the speakers turn off or not connected to DR260 at all.
For every channel fader I have it set to (unity) and master fader to (unity - sometime a little more).
I start turning my trim knob and look at the LED meter coming out from the DR260 GUI on my laptop.
\" Look at the plot in the manual\"
Are you referring to the speaker manual? Thanks DRA
Mark they are all Mackie mixer and mackie speakrs. Mine is 1642 vl3 (the new one). I use this at home for now.
The one they will be using for this Saturday is sr32-4vlzpro. Thanks Mark.
I need to read up more for this Saturday setup.:) mention later on this thread.
Now place the other two on the inside of those speakers we just aimed... standing behind the outside speakers, use your arms to make a 90 degree angle with the 45 degree mark being the center of the speaker... visualize this as the coverage of this speaker... now turn the other speaker inward (so that they are as close together as possible) (across the stage) so that when you do the same 90 degree pattern behind it, that the second 90 degree pattern just touches the first... this coverage is basically from 1000 hz up only though, the more LF you go the more omni directional the sound becomes...
Now you have the outside two aimed slightly outward, the inner two aimed radically inward, and they are as close together as possible...The subs are in the middle, the outer speakers will be covering the majority of the room, the inner speakers will be covering the center... dance floor and some of the stage, so it's important that they are as flat as possible sound wise... do the 'New indoor auto EQ method\" as we spoke of before thats in the RMFBP section FAQ's) on one top and add the same EQ to all 4...Subs in the middle, and a 2X5 or 2X6 setup would be fine...
Got it?
\"so that when you do the same 90 degree pattern behind it, that the second 90 degree pattern just touches the first... this coverage is basically from 1000 hz up only though, the more LF you go the more omni directional the sound becomes... \" Sounds all I'm doing here is angle the inside speakers 45 degree inward right? Should both pair be the same height?
I'm trying to get a picture of the stage so you can see exactly what it looks like but its going to take me hour haft drive. I will try.
It is possible for me to download a reset to get me started from for this particular setup?
What should I set my High Pass and Lo Pass?
Also for the gain structure setup, can I just use the Pink Noise CD that I downloaded for all the channel or I should do it with the actual instrument plug in for each channel. Thanks much Gadget!
Use the Pink noise to set the structure for the Board outputs (meters) through to the amps only. The actual channels on the mixer have to be done one at a time WITH THE INPUT FOR THAT CHANNEL. You can use a pink noise CD for any Trax channels, but all others need to be the instrament or vocalist / mic that will drive that input.
Auto EQ:
What Gadget is saying, is not to Auto EQ the room, but Auto EQ the speakers for flatness so that when you get in the room you have less problems. He mentioned the \"Indoor method\" as a substitute for the regular \"Outdoor method\". But you have to follow the directions that he layed out in the RMF section.
Gain Structure:
Since these speaker are Active and there is no knob to adjust on the back. It sound like I'll be doing it with the Mic plug in the channel or the actual instrument sounding for each channel.
Quto EQ:
\"Auto EQ the speakers for flatness\"
What is it mean for flatness response?
Thanks DRA. You guys are awsome!
Pink noise is probably not recommended. Gadget?
Flatness. Look at the plot in the manual. There are several dips and humps that the PEQ's can fix even though they are within the +/-3db that is a 6db swing.
Gain Structure: Will this work?
I have all the speakers turn off or not connected to DR260 at all.
For every channel fader I have it set to (unity) and master fader to (unity - sometime a little more).
I start turning my trim knob and look at the LED meter coming out from the DR260 GUI on my laptop.
\" Look at the plot in the manual\"
Are you referring to the speaker manual? Thanks DRA
Does the mixer have PFL on the channels?
\"Start with the input on the speaker at -0- point (detent).\"
What can I do if I don't have these knobs? Thanks Much DRA!
For input gain setting, activate the channel (one at a time) PFL and use the output meters to set the channel gain.
is your mixer a makie??? mentioned in the begining of these posts (back in kevins day, where are you kev???)
or the sr32-4vlzpro??? mentioned later in the posts
http://www.mackie.com/Products/sr32-4vl ... Specs.html
Mark they are all Mackie mixer and mackie speakrs. Mine is 1642 vl3 (the new one). I use this at home for now.
The one they will be using for this Saturday is sr32-4vlzpro. Thanks Mark.
I need to read up more for this Saturday setup.:) mention later on this thread.