New To The Site
Hello dbx User's Group. I'm a mobile/club DJ in Southern California and finished installing my DriveRack PA today on my system. The following list are the components I'm running with it:
- (2) Cerwin Vega V-153 Speakers
- (2) Cerwin Vega V-152 Speakers
- (1) Cerwin Vega JE-36 Folded Subwoofer
- (1) Crown Power Tech 3.1 Power Amplifier
- (1) Yamaha P7000S Power Amplifier
My Crown amp is powering my (4) tops and my Yamaha amp is powering my (1) subwoofer. Currently only running one sub as I've not yet put the funds towards the second sub. I'm running my full system in stereo.
I see that there are presets in the DRPA for my Cerwin Vega V-152s, but nothing for the V-153s. I went ahead and put the settings as V-152s until someone can set me straight. I may contact tech support this week for clarification on settings.
I would like to know however, if the RTA is an option I should seriously consider picking up? From what I've picked up so far about seems like a good feature to add as it can help with settings....just about dummy proof....and believe me....I'm a knucklehead! So any help I can get....guess it's worth it.
Any pointers any of you can push my way is definitely appreciated.
Thanks everyone.
- (2) Cerwin Vega V-153 Speakers
- (2) Cerwin Vega V-152 Speakers
- (1) Cerwin Vega JE-36 Folded Subwoofer
- (1) Crown Power Tech 3.1 Power Amplifier
- (1) Yamaha P7000S Power Amplifier
My Crown amp is powering my (4) tops and my Yamaha amp is powering my (1) subwoofer. Currently only running one sub as I've not yet put the funds towards the second sub. I'm running my full system in stereo.
I see that there are presets in the DRPA for my Cerwin Vega V-152s, but nothing for the V-153s. I went ahead and put the settings as V-152s until someone can set me straight. I may contact tech support this week for clarification on settings.
I would like to know however, if the RTA is an option I should seriously consider picking up? From what I've picked up so far about seems like a good feature to add as it can help with settings....just about dummy proof....and believe me....I'm a knucklehead! So any help I can get....guess it's worth it.
Any pointers any of you can push my way is definitely appreciated.
Thanks everyone.
2) The RTA (Auto EQ) is a useful tool, but really has a single purpose (initial speaker flattening). See #1
3) There is a post somewhere on here about 152's. Search it out.
4) Possible x-over config. set up 3-way (use hi / mid / lo) Bi-Amp w/ sub (mono)
Sub- HPF 40-45hz BW18 / LPF 100hz LR24 (lo)
152's - HPF 100hz LR24 / LPF 18K-out LR24 (mid)
153's - HPF 100hz LR24 (hi)
This gives you separate PEQ, delay, limiting, and x-over gain control, etc for all components.
Read up.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but I didn't write the laws of physics..
Yup, guess I got further reading up to do. Let me add that me and electronics don't get along. I mean, I for some reason, cannot grasp electronics concepts. Just doesn't stick in my brain housing group.
Again, thank you for the feedback and I'll see what I can make do with the speaker setup I have with the DRPA. These days....other priorities in my life have my billfold on lockdown. So, the speakers that I have are what I'll have for just about another year. Any further pointers in working with my speakers and DRPA are greatly appreciated. If I were to sell my V-152s...I'd be lucky to get $150 for them.
He has admitted to \"not getting along with electronics\", but could he....
Set up a 2x5.
Highs - CV-153 90hz - out
Lows - Sub 40hz- 90hz
Mids - CV-152 with the horn unplugged or better yet bypass the x-over and go direct to the 15. 90hz - 300hz, or yada yada....
Then use PEQs to even out?
Gadget....good golly miss molly!! Well, I guess if I wanted technical assistance with my DRPA then I came to the right place.
Okay, let me again put my electronic's ignorance in better perspective....
You see.... I'm a trained killer....okay, there's a good story on this one where I was asked on a plane ride back from Washington, D.C.....prior to 9-11. This, somewhat annoying passenger sitting next to me asked me what I did for a, I calmy replied, \"Oh, I'm a trained killer.\" Never the was a quiet ride from that point on.
I'm a 19 year active duty United States Marine. I'm a knuckle-dragger. If it doesn't have to do with guns, ammunition, or causing a ruckus....then I'm a little slower at learning. 8)
Hmmm, so DJ Gonzo....what the hell are you doing in the DJ business? Well okay...there is a hobby of and making people have a great time while I'm bringing that music to their entertainment. I've played in clubs back on the East Coast (U.S.) and in Japan. I didn't have to worry about speaker coverages, what speakers play nicely with others, soundfields, etc... When I picked up my mobile was a simple...walk into the pro audio department and tell the owner a basic idea of what I was looking for and....a few thousand dollars later....there's my first mobile gear. Hell, they even delivered it to my house. Yea, not too bright bringing a 1997 Camaro Z28 to the shop. Mmm, although after I dropped the convertible....the V-152s fit in nicely. :roll: After they delivered it...they even set it up with little help from me. So, I never really learned from jump street on watts, amps, etc.
I had to drop my mobile and club djing for a while as the Marine Corps was kind enough to send me on a couple of combat tours and many deployments around the world with just over 20 different countries visited.
It's only been last year that I finally stepped back into the DJ arena to get back in doing what I play music and play it for people who appreciate having a great time. So much has changed in the business. .mp3s....well, that's a whole new ball game that threw me for a loop. I was totally against .mp3s, when I finally learned about them. It was April of 2007 when I finally gave in and purchased a Numark D2 Director. Since discovering the world that .mp3s can do for a mobile DJ....I've not looked back.
Okay, so hopefully I've now helped you all in understanding that I'm ignorant with electronics and how to get the best out of my system in sound. This is why I picked up the DRPA. Thinking that this would be a device that I could work with in helping set up my amps and speakers in tweaking them to get the best sound. Well...guess that's not the case...I still have a LOT of reading up and learning to do...unfortunately. But hey, it will just help make me that much better in dealing with good quality sound.
After all, I may finally throw in the towel with the Marine Corps next year and retire. After retiring....I plan on fully stepping up my game on mobile and club DJing. So, the more I learn now....the better off I'll be.
Again, thanks for all of your help. Yes, I will break down and get to reading to get edu-macated. I also appreciate all of your patience and time for reading such a boring reply.
Back to reading I go.....
Your 19 now? Someone asked you 7+ yrs ago what you did for a living? I must have misunderstood.
Any way, I recommend lot's of playing. Find out what happens when you do \"X\".
Drop and give me twenty, solder!
At ease,
DRA, guess my wording wasn't all that well. Must be my P.H.D. I earned back in 1988. Plain Highschool Diploma.
I've been in the Marine Corps for 19 years. I'm actually a youthful 38 years old.
20? You got it.... But us Marines aren't called Soldiers. That is reserved for the Army. Us Marines are called Troops or Marines. We really are "the few, the proud".
Alright....guess I've vered way off course with this thread.
At any rate, thank you guys for your help.
A Marine is supposed to say, when told to give 20, \"Which arm!?\".
First in, last out. Works for Marines and DJ's / sound tech's.
Ahhh....feels like home in here.
It was \"Hurry and wait!\" for us fly-boys...
You feel free to ask all the questions you want, we are in your debt...
Gary Perrett
Semper Fidelis! Ahhh...the boy's in blue.
All of us in the military point fun at other services...but we all know down in side our hearts that we all have to have each other's backs. My brothers in the Air Force had my back in Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
Gary, your post was very kind and well appreciated. It's amazing the love that many of our civilians have for those of us in the military....but very sad that we have others who could less if those of us in the military live or die.....and will burn our Old Glory defacing those who have fought in giving them the right to be standing today. I would rather not go off on my political I won't go any further with this one.
Thank you Gary for honoring us military folks. It's because proud United States Americans such as yourself that gives us military personnel the pride in knowing we are safeguarding our country. Thank you for supporting us.
We're just a couple of months away from having flowers and birds and warmth (ending on a nice note).
In it to win it.
Signing off,
Couch Captain DRA
A Coastie! Actually USCG Aviation Electronics Technician. Flew on HU16E SAR aircraft. You know, \"ze plane.. ze plane\" (Datu form the tv show Fantasy Island) Yes even in the 70's we were flying the 40's vintage \"flying boats\" I guess you could say we were 'guarding our shores' while you guys were out making the world safer for it's people. Those that rail against our activism don't have the whole picture, and you can blame our media for it's \"a good story is far more important than the truth\" or \" the truth is not worth reporting unless it's OUR truth\".Those people would change their story in a quick hurry if they were to be subjugated by those radical towlheads! Or those that would claim to be deities... We have our freedom because of people like you and yours that fought and died so we could have this freedom. I say if they are so disgruntled, go...leave, were not holding you hostage! They would soon be crying for re-inclusion into this \"terrible country\" of ours...Don't you think?
Proud to be an American, and to have also served this country!
I'm still confused in the setting up of these speakers....but this shouldn't be noted, I am a nuckle-head with electronics. :shock:
Yes, I did go to the links provided in the welcoming message....but even they wen't over my head. Pretty bad eh? Told ya guys...
So, if anyone can help me in punching in the data best suited for my speakers....I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, if I want to run my system without my sub and have my main cabinets work as all around speakers for some of my do I make that happen with the DRPA?
Yes, you all will need major patience with this nuckle-head....but believe me, I do appreciate it. Part of it is due to my P.H.D......Plain Highschool Diploma.
Thanks guys.
You simply need to set up multiple programs with the wizard..
1 - For your complete system (with subs.
1 - For your system without subs. The main change is simply to lower the x-over filter to capture the lower frequencies (I say 50 hz-ish) and change the filter type to BW18. Other changes would be any PEQ adjustments that are needed and adjusting the limiters to suit.
1 - For each (or 1) set by themselves.
Put the DRPA on your kitchen table and punch buttons.
Go to the training modules section above and download the Driveware for the 260. Play with it. It will help you see what you are actual doing.
Eeeesh...k, well I'm trying to work this one, but still a bit lost.
I do not know where I am to input the 90hz - out for the highs and 40hz - 90hz for the lows.
Wow, talk about needing someone to break this all down for me "Barney-style".... May be best for me to just talk to dbx's Tech Support on the phone so they can slowly walk me through this as I input the necessary fields as they describe them.
Sorry guys for my ignorance.
When I play with the Driveware for the 260, it says that I cannot use it with the DriveRack PA. Would be nice to have the ability to setup the DRPA through my computer and load up the settings via a USB device or serial connection. I previously owned a Crown XTi amp that allowed me to set up my amp via the computer software....that was great to use and even made it easy enough for a nuckle-head suck as myself.
Anyways,'s a custom 2X5 configuration I did with the DriveWare to illustrate what (I think) Dra's suggesting...
Actually the DRPA is $500 and the 260 is $999.00... thats more than 1/3. Is it worth it??
You can get a 260 for under $700. (sorry again)
Here's one for $703.00 (delivered)...
Here's one for $650.90 (delivered)...
@WitchsMark and DJ Gonzo,...The bottom line is the DRPA should do everything that you need!...:D The problem with audio equipment is no matter what you have there's always something better...and If you think you have the best...just wait about six months...and you won't...:x
If you think you've seen it all...check these out...8)
Okay, spoke to the Tech Department and they helped set me straight.
Much easier for me to learn when I can actually talk to someone and ask questions to comments on the spot.
What you guys have typed in this thread is starting to come together now.
Just a thought here you all think it would be best to run my speakers (mids/highs) as (2) Cerwin Vega V153s on one channel and run my (2) Cerwin Vega V152MKIIs on the other channel? Understanding a bit better....due to them not playing well together....I could better set up the eqs for them. If so, what would you recommend I set my DRPA to for this?
As it is right now...I'm running, in parallel, (1) Cerwin Vega V153 with (1) Cerwin Vega V152MKII on each channel.
Thanks guys....oh, and think I'll go ahead and drop the few dollars for the RTA. From what I gather, it will help a knuckle-head like me in auto eqing the room for better sound. Any thoughts on this>? And please, keep in mind, that I am terrible when it comes to understanding amps, watts, frequencies...yadda, yadda, do break it down \"Barney-style\" for me. 8)