Eqing the system
Very confused on the EQing of the DRPA. Should I just run some full range music through the system and EQ by ear as best as possible?? Should I EQ using the Auto EQ, as described in the New Indoor Method or place the RTA the same distance from the speakers as the speakers are apart and do it that way with Auto EQ?? Can you explain a little better what this means to do between the GEQ & the PEQ [snip taken from New Indoor Auto EQ Method \"and that includes a couple passes @ -0- (flat) to get as flat a response as possible using the PEQ's with no \"GEQ\" equalization.\"?? From what I gather there is a method of EQing that involves Auto EQing and then taking the GEQ settings and applying them to the PEQ, and then Auto EQing again, and then repeat steps, but I'mm not sure it's not very clear.
For starts I would play some music that you are very familiar with and use the GEQ... Is your system going to be moved from venue to venue or is it going to stay at one location?... If it's going to be moved then I wouldn't bother trying to EQ the system with AutoEQ... If you're wanting to EQ the speakers individually for a flat response then you would follow the AutoEQ indoor method... After the first AutoEQ pass record the results adjust the PEQ for that channel and repeat... The goal after subsequent passes is to PEQ each individual channel until you get the flattest response from each cab... Did you get the DBX RTA mic?... If not,...you may also want to look at the Audix TR-40...:D
Hope this helps!
1.) I would like to EQ the speakers in my Practice room as this is the location where they are used the most. The statement of EQing the speakers individually, do you mean I have to EQ both of my 15's or just 1?? Cause thats all I use in Practice, no Subs just the 2-15\" Highs in stereo.
2.) The procedure would be to place the RTA mic(yes I have the accompanying Reference Mic) a few feet in front of the 15\" pointed at the ground with the 15\" tilted slightly downwards towards the MIC and then do the Auto EQ and adjust the PEQ with the GEQ results and then repeat until I get a somewhat flat response with the GEQ after doing the Auto-EQ's?? Is this correct??
1) Just 1, your don't want 2 (or more) speakers talking to the RTA from different distances.
2) Correct.
I do wish there was an Auto-EQ direct to PEQ, but there isn't.
31.5Hz ... +12.0
40.0Hz ... +12.0
50.0Hz ... +12.0
63.0Hz ... 0
80.0Hz ... -12.0
100.0Hz ... -12.0
125.0Hz ... -11.5
160.0Hz ... -1.0
200.0Hz ... +1.5
250Hz ... -1.5
315Hz ... -5.0
400HZ ... -2.5
500Hz ... +2.5
630Hz ... -7.0
800Hz ... -4.0
1.0kHz ... -4
1.25kHz ... 0
1.6kHz ... -2.5
2.0kHz ... -1.5
2.5kHz ... -3.0
3.15KhZ ... -2.0
4.0kHz ... -4.5
5.0kHz ... +2.5
6.3kHz ... -1.0
8.0kHz ... +8.5
10.0kHz ... +9.0
12.5kHz ... +10.5
16.0kHz ... +12.0
Going off of this how should I tweak my PEQ?? I am confident that once I get an idea how to set the first round I can probably handle the others.
What speakers do you have? It could just be me but I have never been overly confident with the results I get with indoor testing. You should have gotten a +/- 3db through most of the band width. Some cab's only rate a +/- 10db. You are closer to that. Were you playing (pinking) loud? For the indoor method the volume does not have to be very loud.
THey are Peavey 115HC II's... Around -15 to -13
But just to give you an idea with your current findings...
To take care of the +12 @ 50hz (and below) - use the x-over filter to cut at 55hz BW18.
PEQ - set to H-shelf
F1 - (dip at 100) 100hz Gain = -12 Q = (about 2.5)
F2 - (dip at 800) 800hz Gain = -4 Q = (about 2.5)
F3 (For the 8k up) - (shelf) 6.3KHz slope = 12 gain = +10
These are guesses and you have to make the adjustments then re-pink. Make mods, then re-pink until you're happy.
Try again...
This all means that in comparison to the other frequencies the low ones are not heard..so the Auto EQ boosts them in the GEQ to try and get them to register. Ignore the outcome and zero those bands manually...
Is this a descent idea??
How does the speaker sound after the Auto EQ pass?
31.5= +12
40 = +12
50 = +12
63 = +12
80 = -9
100 = -12
125 = +1
160 = -.5
200 = -4
250 = -.5
315 = 0
400 = +1
500 = 0
630 = -6
800 = -1.5
1k = -.5
1.25= -1.5
1.6 = +1
2.0 = -1.5
2.5 = +.5
3.15= -5.0
4.0 = -1
5.0 = +2.5
6.3 = -1.5
8.0 = +10
10.0= -4.5
12.5= -8
16.0= +12
The sound is not that bad in my opinion. I mean we have had 2 rehearsals since I got this thing and it has been nothing but an improvement overall, the very first night we used it the band was telling me how awesome everything sounded and how good the levels were, and the little bit of feedback we did endure was snipped out within a second due to the AFS. I am just wondering how much better it can be, and I want to get the most out of the system I can. I do not have the greatest of sound judgement either, so what sounds good to me you all might hear it and say holy crap there way too much Bass or the Highs are just not cutting through correctly, etc.. Regardless what adjustments do you think for the above results?? Gadget should I manually cut the first 4-bands?? then what??
Yes, zero the first 4 and last band manually...those speakers obviously can't do 16K audio either...
Looks like your going to need a high shelf @ about 10k 12db/ oct , you'll need to play with the gain to see how much cut will be needed but looks like maybe -8... thats probably those nasty aluminum diaphragms.. the 22A... do yourself a favor, see if it is, and if it in fact is the 22A diaphragms, get the 22 XT diaphragms... they are SWEET by comparison.. it will take care of a lot of that HF trouble you have...
A bell @ 8.0k start @ about 5.016 Q with +10 db...
Maybe a similar narrow filter @ 100 hz to try and take that 100 hz down a bit but that looks suspect...If you can verify that there is too much 100 hz, perhaps that is a standing wave ... try moving the whole rig a few feet and see if it changes the 80 and 100 hz dips. (probably closer to a boundary would be best You could use the room mode calculator to determine if that room has a problem at that frequency as well... it's located in the \"welcome\" post as a link there) Note... the process does not need as high a signal volume as direct field measurement...
Try those things and then re auto EQ and see if it is any better,,, the key here is to use the PEQ's on the most drastic cuts or boosts...then re- auto and see if your closer to -0-.
Are you using subs? I can't remember if you did or not from the other post, and if so what are you setting the crossover at?
Frequency Response = 60Hz to 17K
Power Handle 150W Continuous/300W [sounded like he said per room]
Sensitivity 100db
300 Program
Based on the response you got (test) and the reply from Peavey the range is +/- 10 db. So you did well on the pinking session.
Can I use the Peavey's below with my 18\" Subs still??
http://www.guitarcenter.com/Peavey-PV-2 ... 1152988.gc
Here is another option: Again I should be able to use my 18\" Subs and make these Mids/Highs correct??
http://www.guitarcenter.com/Peavey-SP-5 ... 1152993.gc
From JBL:
http://www.guitarcenter.com/JBL-JRX115- ... 1152818.gc
Or These: Again can I use these with 18\" Subs in a 3-Way format
http://www.guitarcenter.com/JBL-JRX125- ... 1152819.gc
http://www.guitarcenter.com/JBL-JRX125- ... 1152806.gc
And I can pick these up at my local Guitar Center, so I wouldn't have to do shipping.
Otherwise I am able to get away with $1000 for 2 speakers, but they have to be from Guitar Center because I have a Credit Line with them.
Maybe Kevin with chime in. He installed some JRX's in a church auditorium and may can shed some light. (If he doesn't, PM him at KPippen)
GC carries Yamaha. They have a good bang for the buck rep at PSW.
Do side by side comparisons at GC of all the cabs, preferally without subs and crossed at about 100hz. That way you will not be confused if one has a fuller bottom end (since it won't be used) and listen for clarity at volume. Don't rule out 12\" speakers since you run subs.