Mic gain
Hey all, Maybe someone can give some insight.
I connected my wireless 58 and could not get much output, but tons of feedback. The tone was OK but just no volume. Connected a wired 58, slap back from a tree line 200 yards away. Wow. What could be the problem with the wireless?
I connected my wireless 58 and could not get much output, but tons of feedback. The tone was OK but just no volume. Connected a wired 58, slap back from a tree line 200 yards away. Wow. What could be the problem with the wireless?
G... spot...
Any thoughts on the phasing sound?
PS - I has no idea why I posted to this section. :oops:
Sounds very much like a frequency problem.
I have experience this as well. It ended up that the guitarist was using wireless system on same frequency as my mics.
Another time was 2 wirless mics on same frequency (gives a phasing sound)
Another time the reciever was off frequency by 1
Confirm nobody has changes frequency on transmitter or receiver.
Change frequencies,
Some local interference??
The phasing sounds can be indicative of frequency mismatch / interference
It is a fixed / single freq mic so if there is a way to change the freq, I don't know it.
Just to clarify, the \"phasing\" was not really a gated cutting out, but like the sound you make with your mouth to make a variable wind sound.
What is the function of the \"Squelch\"? The pot is very small and reccessed and I have never touched it in 5+ years.
The three keys:
1) Low output
2) High feedback
3) \"Phasing\" sound
I'll do some better trouble shooting this afternoon and report on my findings.
Thanks guys,
Side note. One of the talent show participants was a 16 or 17 year old girl. She'd played tenor sax to a track with piano, bass, & brushed kit. Holy cow! Improv'ed the hole thing (smooth jazz) as good as a 20 year professional. Needless to say she won.
You may have been the victim of spurious RF...maybe even someone with a \"footwarmer\"...