260 signal path question
Hi there, I've downloaded the 260 manual, and only one thing bothers me. In section 1.3, and later on in the manual, a signal path diagram is shown that implies that 2 of the 6 output sections are hardwired to sum the A and B inputs. Is this true? What I need is a stereo bi-amped system (FOH) with a stereo delayed monitor system (booth). I prefer not to sum the subs from A+B.
Stereo bi-amp with a single cab?
This will require 4 outputs.
Stereo subs requires 2 outputs. That uses all 6 outputs.
Maybe you mean stereo passive 2-way cab + stereo subs. (4 outputs)
That would leave you 2 outputs for the booth.
The 260 can be configured in any way to meet your needs, as long as you don't need more than 6 total outputs.
Good suggestion on the Driveware... Doh