QSC HPR Series
Recently purchased this system with the new DRPX...Read through the RMF as well as PX first use and Powered Speaker Set-up, all platforms, but especially PX/DRPA. Mobile dj use, small to medium venues. Looking for some input on setting the xover points. Here are the specs and my thoughts:
2x QSC HPR 122i:
Frequency Response (-3 dB) 1 62 Hz - 18 kHz
Frequency Range (-10 dB) 1 53 Hz - 22 kHz
Maximum SPL (1 meter) 131 dB peak
Power output 400W LF Class H
100W HF Class AB+B
Low-cut filter (Main / Monitor)
2x QSC HPR 151i:[/u]
Frequency Response (-3 dB) 1 51 Hz - 105 Hz
Frequency Range (-10 dB) 1 43 Hz - 145 Hz
Maximum SPL (1 meter) 133 dB peak
Power output 700W Class H
Here are my thoughts:
HPF: BW18 @ 45hz
LPF: 100 hz LR 24 Hz
Top Speakers:
112 hz @LR 24
Any input would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance!
2x QSC HPR 122i:
Frequency Response (-3 dB) 1 62 Hz - 18 kHz
Frequency Range (-10 dB) 1 53 Hz - 22 kHz
Maximum SPL (1 meter) 131 dB peak
Power output 400W LF Class H
100W HF Class AB+B
Low-cut filter (Main / Monitor)
2x QSC HPR 151i:[/u]
Frequency Response (-3 dB) 1 51 Hz - 105 Hz
Frequency Range (-10 dB) 1 43 Hz - 145 Hz
Maximum SPL (1 meter) 133 dB peak
Power output 700W Class H
Here are my thoughts:
HPF: BW18 @ 45hz
LPF: 100 hz LR 24 Hz
Top Speakers:
112 hz @LR 24
Any input would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance!
The highs seemed to run a little hot and I wanted a little more punch out of the bottoms. Any suggestions?
Where is the sub placed within the room??
Can make heaps of difference
Found the relevant article
http://www.peavey.com/support/technotes ... lation.cfm
Hope this helps
The QSC HPR Series system is designed to be a \"Balance\" system
Being an active speaker system are all designed to \"work\" together
So what could the problem be???
some of the variables are:
Speaker placement within the room
HPR151i Subs
Polarity (normal/reverse)
Amp gain
HPR122i Top boxes
Amp gain
100hz Low-cut filter
Drive rack
crossover (sorry band pass filters)
gain on subs / top boxes
Does the system sound good using the 100hz Low-cut outs on the subs without using DRPX???
Where are the gains set on the amps??
Polarity set on the sub???
I'm with Dra here
are you saying that the HPR122i are \"hot\"
or some freq's within the HPR122i are \"hot\"
or that the HPR151i are not loud enough?
Lots of variables
Sorry for lots of questions but more info is required
http://www.qscaudio.com/products/speake ... atures.htm
Sorry for my use of words, and I understand your need for more details. I am in no way a professional sound tech so please take that into the consideration. My apologies again...
For further explanation, the total cab had good output but some of the frequencies were extremely high pitch and ear piercing. In regards to the bottoms, the total output was good as well but the punch (frequency???)... was not there.
As far as setup and placement, tops on ultimate stands placed behind bottoms which were separated by 8 feet parallel to each other separated by a facade.
The top and bottom gains were set at -0-. Polarity on the bottoms set to normal. As far as the system without the DRPX, it did not sound good when using the low cut outs hence my attempt with the DRPX.
I attempted running the Auto EQ but found that my frequency issue with the tops was worse, so I retreated back to the settings in my first post.
The DRPX did made a significant improvement in the system. I was thinking that my original suggestions and changes made after Dra's input may need some more tuning.
I hope that this is a better explanation.
Where did you do the Auto EQ?
Do those tops have EQ's on the panel?
Are the tops or subs \"processed\" internally?
Put the subs side by side. Best in the center, but on one side will do if that is not possible.