Output knob on DBX 376 Tube PreAmp
I read on the users manual of the DBX 376 that the Output knob can control separately the output gain of digital and analog outs. But I'm trying to do it with both outs connected to Protools and to my mixer respectively and the gain ups and downs made by this knob are sent to both outs with the Digital/Analog button pressed or not. It has no effect as it says on the user manual.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Am I doing something wrong ?
Hopefully, Gadget or Dra will jump in with a solution to the problem.
\"The 376 gives you the unique option of utilizing the analog and digital outputs simultaneously.
This option is ideal for using the analog output section as a reference monitoring signal of the dig-
ital signal. Both analog and digital outputs offer independent output control, which allows you to
send a digital signal to a receiving device (such as a DAW or digital recorder) and route the ana-
log signal to a monitoring device (such as a mixer or headphone amplifier) , while controlling both
levels independently all at the same time.\"
Now, after a new lecture, I think I understood it in a new way. Maybe they mean you can control both levels at their arriving points... no at the source. Could it be ?
I would assume there must be a menu in the utlity section perhaps? that controls outputs, I'll pass this on and we should have an answer tomorrow...
Unfortunately, this appears to be a typo in the manual. This is a feature available in the 386 model, but not in the 376. It must have somehow made it's way from the 386 to the 376 manual. I will let our tech writer know. Sorry for the confusion on this matter.
Well, I hope DBX fix this in the users manual, so no more people like me spends time trying to get it working the way they say. I must say I was really surprised when I discovered this unexpected but usefull feature.
Booo... it was a \"mistake\" on the manual...
Regards from Chile to all who tried to help.
Andres Schmidt
I lived in Coronel, Laja, & Lebu. Been to Concepcion and Santiago.
I can try to get the receipt. But first tell me wich.
Are you German? Lots of German blood in Chile.