DBX 576 Mackie 1604 VLZ hookup
The DBX manual says to hook this up to a mixer in series (mic in, line out, whereas the Mackie manual says to use Inserts [send/return]).
I have several instruments and mics hooked up to the Mackie and would like to be able to route their signal to the DBX 576 and warm it up and compress it, then send it back to the Mackie.
This would appear easy but I'm pretty new at this kind of thing and don't want to break any of this gear.
Thanks for any help you can provide me!

I have several instruments and mics hooked up to the Mackie and would like to be able to route their signal to the DBX 576 and warm it up and compress it, then send it back to the Mackie.
This would appear easy but I'm pretty new at this kind of thing and don't want to break any of this gear.
Thanks for any help you can provide me!

Gadget or Dennis will know, I bet.
Are you wanting to process multiple inputs through the 576?
Are you using all 4 of the aux sends?
Well said and to the point as always... nicely done Dennis!
If it's the model # provided... it also has sub group outs... another reason I was wondering if he had any channels left over...