DBX 480 drive rack connection to laptop help
Hello I have a dbx 480 drive rack i want to hook up to my lap top my lap top does not have a db-9 type of jack on it it does have a usb and RJ-45 jack on laptop can i use the RJ-45 on laptop to 480 drive rack?
http://www.dbxpro.com/product_downloads ... aptors.pdf
I personally use an off the shelf converter my son got for like $15 from New Egg... but that was a few years ago now.
I'll alert Mike and he'll chime in tomorrow with all the pertinent data.
Yes, that Keyspan model will work. I have one here and it works great.
You could also use this USB GEAR adapter:
http://www.usbgear.com/computer_cable_d ... 1009%2C601
I have one of these here as well and is cheaper and works equally as well with our products.
Hope this helps.
But I suspect there are many makes that will work well.