I got this unit so I could triamp my system. I planned on biamping some peavey eu 112's, these are basically the same ratings as a sp2.
500 con. 1000 progarm, 2000 peak.
This xover does not have any constant directivity horn eq. How do you get around this?
Thanks, Mike
500 con. 1000 progarm, 2000 peak.
This xover does not have any constant directivity horn eq. How do you get around this?
Thanks, Mike
What do you mean by outboard? After the xover and into the hi amp. Where do I bump up the eq settings and which ones?
Thanks, Mike
Anyways, here is the info, from the inventors of the CD horn...Interesting side note, they used to work for Electrovoice, invented the CD horn and presented it to the boss.. who said get back to work and make something that makes me money... They quit and went to work for Peavey...
http://www.peavey.com/support/technotes ... orn_eq.cfm