Not a helmet state... I was wearing one...It was a mighty big squirrel...with horns though...3 years ago I actually HIT one @ 55 MPH..that one I didn't go down though...We had a strait line wind storm here a short time back... thousands of BIG tree's down and tons of debris everywhere... I would likely have been able to save it but there was so much dead wood on the side of the road my back tire got knocked off the edge, and the ditch was STEEP and deep! Just rode it to the bottom and a log kicked the rear over again and I tipped into the hill... not a scratch, scrape, or even a bruise on my body, but tweaked my back and neck...
I actually broke the clutch lever also, so I went to get the bike with my trailer the next day, and you guessed it... hit a deer on the way back with my brand new cycle trailer :roll: They are stupid stupid animals... At least it didn't wreck my van or hit the bike, just bent the bar that holds the front wheel chalk...
these files provided by EAW are all I have but I believe if you search someone left their settings here not too long ago...
Take it easy, friend. Wear sunglasses. 8)
How is the motorcycle?
Dang squirrel! The can't ever decide which way to go.
I actually broke the clutch lever also, so I went to get the bike with my trailer the next day, and you guessed it... hit a deer on the way back with my brand new cycle trailer :roll: They are stupid stupid animals...
Here's Zelda and I...