suggested settigs for Wharfedale Titan A15 subs
Hi have been proud owner of a PX for 2 weeks and used it live for the first time on the weekend for my son’s acoustic duo. If that is the sound I can get on the first attempt I can’t wait to get the hang of it. I just need to experiment with the performance level.
My only question does any one have any suggested settings for my Wharfedale Titan A15 subs?
My only question does any one have any suggested settings for my Wharfedale Titan A15 subs?
Be pretty specific.
Yeah sorry Db Opera 405s for the tops. They are in the wizard.
Sub settings I am using are
40Kz L24 2.4db
100Hz LR24
Any way I ran all of the set up, EQ and AFs wizards. I found for the EQ the flat precision reponse worked best and was most pleasing on the ear even withe the Back Ground Music channel EQed flat.
Any way the resulting speaker settings ended up being
Db Opera 405 Tops set to 75%
Wharfedale Titan A15 Subs 50%
Cross over and filetering
40Kz L24 2.4db
100Hz LR24
I am very happy and whish I had bought one years ago and not now I have just turned 50.
Yeah Sorry I work in Telecommunications and got my bearings wrong.
But seriously, in a short tiem I have run up the PX in a few small and medium venues now and it has done every thing that I have expected.
Although I was realtively happy with the sound before the most noticable differences post PX is how the bottom end is clearer with more definaition and am am not driving the systems as hard as I once did now 50% to 25% less (depending on the venue).
DB Technology Opera 405 Ds
58 Hz to 19 KHz
Wharfedale Titan A15 Subs
45Hz to 150 Hz
Any Suggestions?
HPF 45hz BW18
LPF 118hz LR24
HPF 118LR24
Remember, indoors, standing waves will set up (super bass nodes) so your always best to either measure outdoors away form all reflective surfaces or by ear below 150-170hz ...
Note here that a mic on a stand in a room is NOT acceptable! Place the mic on a soft cloth ON a boundary (floor)...
Please DO NOT try a "thong" indoors.
besides a thong is a thing of beauty on the right deriere
I have the PA set up in my rehearsal room at the momemnt and have been experimenting.
I have worked towards similar settings. I just need to change the slope and filter of the Sub. So having your thoughts was a sanity check.
Also here in Australia a thong is summer beach foot ware.
BAhahaha....when your right your right...
My X likes to wear butt floss :oops: :oops: :oops: and it AIN"T pretty... I like the thong shoes though!
chuckle... you kill me..
It has made a small difference which has added the clarity to the bottom end up I was after, so thanks.
Really looking forward to Saturday night's gig to try it again in a decent sized room again.
Really happy with the PX but when it comes to custom and unlisted speakers the hand book is not that useful.
You can also then work with the Q and frequency to zero in on the boom.. It will be worth it..
Got to say all the learning's from here and my own tweeking tried out while having the PA with PX set up for the last 10 days in my rehearsal room have paid off. I am much more across what the PX can do and is capable of with out any head scratching of the little bit of hair I have left.
I've been happy from the start with the PX but the fine tuning and sanity checking/support from this forum has truly made my small PA sound kick arse with clarity (or as you guys ay Ass).
thanks for all of your assistance.
Will post some photographs later.
Fre any one wondering I have had 35 years behind a drum kit but with ruined shoulders and elbows I am gearing up for life from out behind the kit. I've done a bit of mixing over the years mainly for younger bands but have always wanted to take it further. I have a technical background which is making the transition easier.
The only the thing I did in addition to what has been suggested was add 3db of gain to the “out� and “sub� levels. I also turned the limiter and compressor offs and let the speakers handle the limiters themselves. From where I sit behind the drums I can see all the speaker clipping LEDS and they did not come on at all through the night. (All of the speakers ended with sensitivity control set at about the 3 Oclock position).
This was required as the room was bigger than we normally play in, but the setup would have been fine in the normal smaller venues we perform in. I did not need any PEQ as suggested (but did in my rehearsal space).
To top things off we actually had comments all night from patrons commenting on the quality of the sound. The best comment coming from an ex co worker of mine who left here years ago to tour the country with a production company who said nice tone deep with clarity great volume for those who wanted to dance and yet still hold a conversation at the bar.
Although I ummed and ahhed about getting the PX initially, I am very satisfied with the investment.
Some pictures provided of our setup taken in the sound check and from cocoon through the night
One of the gigs was a rocking wedding reception for about 80-90 seated guests with a small dance floor area. The other gig was at one of our local hotels in the Beer Garden with no stage but a good sized paved area for the band to set up on.
What I wanted to try out was the auto EQ but with having one side of the PA on only.
So after doing level/balance check manually before hand from a preloaded dummy/default preset that I had saved previously, I gave it a go.
The immediate things I noticed was that the whole auto EQ process was much quicker than when having both sides powered. I had the same result on Sunday at the second gig.
It kind of goes against logic but the result subtly does sound better.
Well, the band has been rather busy with the PX working fine with it really saving time when returning to previously saved rooms.
My Son’s duo has been bust too so we have even saved some rooms where we haven’t needed to use subs.
Finding more than ever we are not driving anything nears as hard as we once were and feedback from other musicians has been that our sound is clear and punchy – even from some I know who laughed when I said I was ditching my old gear for all powered speakers and a PX rack.
I am looking into getting a dBX 1074 quad noise gate. Is there a forum on here or are there any comments or thoughts?
Start a new thread. It help the forum stay organized.
I had a few conditions for them to meet and they agreed, so I jumped at the chance to gig mainly to get to hear my PA in full flight from the front of the stage (rather than behind it) while in a reasonable room.
Last Friday night was the event. I wish I asked more questions initially as there were 7 bands in all with 5 of which were from interstate.
To save time on the day, we set the PA up the night before. They wanted to rehearse their set so I used the time to play with the PX live where there was no real consequence if a fouled anything up.
This was a great opportunity and I really did not have to change anything in the PX. The guys seemed really happy with proceedings.
The guys running the event have a lot to learn as they expected the club would be open all day so they kids could set up and rehearse. I had my day job so I could not get there till after 4pm for a 5pm start. None of the bands had a chance to do anything as the club did not open to 4pm, so all they had time for was to unload, set up their merch stand and wait their turn. There was no sound check for any of them except my son’s band the night before.
I had a few strange looks from the visiting band members. I think they were thinking this gear isn’t going to cut it but I had good feedback from a few of the visitors shortly after my son’s band opened proceedings.
Amazingly the young bands were well organised and the show ran on time. After the second band I began to relax as I had stressed about the show when I found out there were 7 bands of which 5 were from interstate.
The fourth band (from interstate) came and saw me early as they had backing tracks on Iphones via a sub mixer. This was not a problem but while we were talking, they commented that they though the PA would not cut it but were pleasantly surprised about everything they had heard, in particular for the size of the equipment. This was great feedback and has confirmed for many reasons that for my needs I have done the right thing by opting small, compact and all powered boxes.
Congrats on a successful event.