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suggested settigs for Wharfedale Titan A15 subs



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    Krazy BKrazy B Posts: 51
    Dra wrote:
    Too many questions are never enough. I find that the "venue", the "organizer", the "provider", and the "performer" all have assumptions, and you had better ask what they are, because they many times expect that everyone does things the same way. That is why the called assumptions...assumptions.
    Congrats on a successful event.


    Thanks Dra. It all went failry well. My only surprise was the number of bands and 5 drum kits. 3 of the drummers shared a kit but one was left handed.
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    Krazy BKrazy B Posts: 51
    Hi Guys,

    Absolutely flat out at the moment being husband, Father, Grand father, drummer, sound guy, mentor and a have day job so I haven't been on here for a while now.

    Well I have have had the PX for 7 months and now have about 18 venues stored. It has been a huge time saver especially when revisiting a venue.

    I was especially impressed last week end when we played at engagement party for the niece of my ex guitarist who I had not spoken to for nearly 2 years. Through the night we got talking before we played and he mentioned he had heard some good things about our set up and sound.

    Any way through the night my son invited my ex guitarist up to play. Surprisingly he said yes and I said to my son you jump on the drums I want to listen.

    The venue is a medium sized room for here and has a great sound with a high sloping suspended acoustic ceiling. You can play relatively full on but still have a conversation when seated or at the bar and when I sat listening I thought "I'm impressed" I did not need to change anything. The sound was full and with a punchy clean bottom end.

    Any way I decided to listen and watch for about a half a set and really did not want o get back up behind the kit!

    A few sets later and the show was over and as soon as I step down from the stage my ex Guitarist made a bee line for me and trusted his hand out to shake my hand as said "*#@$%ing great sound, That is the best sound I have heard here that wasn't by a touring band". Coming from him it was a huge statement.
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    DraDra Posts: 3,777
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