Two seperate systems
I am working on a design for a night club. They have a DJ and a Live band situation.
My question is can I split the input channels to receive signals from two different sources.
I would like to keep the DJ system (ie; Mixer) separate from the FOH system as in I do not want to feed the DJ mixer through the front of house mixer.
All speakers and amplification would be shared.
Any input would be appreciated
I will be using a Drive Rack 260EQ unless there are other suggestions.
Thank you for your help
I am working on a design for a night club. They have a DJ and a Live band situation.
My question is can I split the input channels to receive signals from two different sources.
I would like to keep the DJ system (ie; Mixer) separate from the FOH system as in I do not want to feed the DJ mixer through the front of house mixer.
All speakers and amplification would be shared.
Any input would be appreciated
I will be using a Drive Rack 260EQ unless there are other suggestions.
Thank you for your help
Mains are a pair JBL STX828s Subs and 8 PRX415m on stage and over dance floor.
I was wandering if I could use XLR Y cables for the inputs since it is acceptable to do that on the outputs
I am in the process of designing the system, and yes these are not shipping until next month. I have 2 on order.
I would run it through the main board as I have done this in the past. Unfortunately the venue is not going to be leaving the board accessible. They plan on putting it away when there is no live music. No matter how much I have advised against this the owner seems adamant about rolling it away when not in use.
I may just spec a DriveRack 4820 instead. The expense may well outweigh the future aggravation.
Thanks all for your help
Thanks you would need 2 again 2 needed