I would say it is wonderful for home hifi, this is how I did it in me stereo + sub setup;
First I did an auto eq with just the sub "on", noted the filters applied and inserted these filters in the PA2's low frequency channels parametric eq, then redid the auto eq with only the high frequencies and once again noted and inserted these settings in the high frequencies parametric eq. As a final touch did the auto eq once again with all channels on to smooth thing even more.
The reason I did it this way is because my room seemed to cause big problems in certain areas, so by fixing thos e problems first the last pass with the auto eq could address more fine tuning, it is almost as if i had a 24 band parametric eq
DBX should implement an auto eq for every channel, seems this would pretty easy software upgrade as the function is already there...
Before this my setup included a velodyne sms-1, the PA2 is without a doubt much better for the auto eq
First I did an auto eq with just the sub "on", noted the filters applied and inserted these filters in the PA2's low frequency channels parametric eq, then redid the auto eq with only the high frequencies and once again noted and inserted these settings in the high frequencies parametric eq. As a final touch did the auto eq once again with all channels on to smooth thing even more.
The reason I did it this way is because my room seemed to cause big problems in certain areas, so by fixing thos e problems first the last pass with the auto eq could address more fine tuning, it is almost as if i had a 24 band parametric eq
DBX should implement an auto eq for every channel, seems this would pretty easy software upgrade as the function is already there...
Before this my setup included a velodyne sms-1, the PA2 is without a doubt much better for the auto eq