Can you change Device Name or set Static IP
Is there a way to change the Device Name as seen from the eternal application? Old firmware called it PA2, new firmware calls it My DriveRack. When you have multiple PA2's they all have the same name of My DriveRack when viewed in the application. Makes it interesting to ensure you have the right one selected to work with. I can't seem to find a way to rename them.
Is there a way to set a static IP address? If there is only DHCP it makes needing the ability to modify the name important as DHCP may not always keep the same IP.
Is there a way to set a static IP address? If there is only DHCP it makes needing the ability to modify the name important as DHCP may not always keep the same IP.
Static IP's are not supported on the PA2.
As a side note, I have been using the PA and PA+, I must say the PA2 is pretty awesome so far. Having the app control is a big +.