PA+, How to escape after Auto EQ left channel?
After the left channel finished Auto EQ, is there any way to save that setting without having to also Auto EQ the right channel?
After Auto EQ is completed, the PA+ forces you to go through the Auto Feedback wizard. Is there any way to save the auto EQ results and abort the wizard without having to perform the auto feedback wizard too?
If anyone from DBX engineering is listening, probably the number one complaint I have is not being able to individually select which channel to Auto EQ. Often it's not desirable to have to go through the motions of Auto Eqing the Left channel if only the Right channel is desired.
This is especially the case when using one channel for mains, and another for a monitor mix.
After Auto EQ is completed, the PA+ forces you to go through the Auto Feedback wizard. Is there any way to save the auto EQ results and abort the wizard without having to perform the auto feedback wizard too?
If anyone from DBX engineering is listening, probably the number one complaint I have is not being able to individually select which channel to Auto EQ. Often it's not desirable to have to go through the motions of Auto Eqing the Left channel if only the Right channel is desired.
This is especially the case when using one channel for mains, and another for a monitor mix.
Unfortunately the PA + doesn't have this button, and it forces you into the feedback setup.
Why can't they build things that allow the user to choose the functions?
Seems I saw in a thread that pressing the preset button exits the wizard. Any changes done to the GEQ would still be intact.