DriveRack PA2 and Bose L1 Model II
I just replaced my DriveRack Px with the DriveRack PA2. I selected the "Not Listed" option for the speaker and amp (Bose L1 Model II). For input I selected Mono with stereo linked. I have left and right channels running to the PA 2 but only the left feeding the Bose. Here is where I have a problem or question. When I run the "Auto Level" and Auto EQ" with a RTA mic, since I have only one speaker it does the left fine but then it says "No Signal" for the right speaker. The only options it offers at that point is "Try Again" or "Cancel". Selecting either option starts the Auto Level and Auto EQ over again. Is there a way to let the PA2 know I am only running one Bose Speaker. I looked through the manual and couldn't find an answer. If I back out is the EQ set for the one speaker. Any help will be appreciated.
Also, I am using the RTA mic that came with the PX. Is this ok or do I need the RTA-M? What is the difference?
Also, I am using the RTA mic that came with the PX. Is this ok or do I need the RTA-M? What is the difference?
Use a combiner ("Y") to tie L&R outputs together. It will essentially test the speaker twice. You might also call tech support to see if there is another work around.
I thought about that but didn't know if it would damage the PA2. Thanks for the suggestion.