Is It Possible to only EQ The Bass with a DriveRack PA2
I have 2 very good stereo speakers that already sound very good, except for the bass. Is there a way to tell DriveRack PA2 to not mess with any frequencies above 200 hz ?
I have 2 very good stereo speakers that already sound very good, except for the bass. Is there a way to tell DriveRack PA2 to not mess with any frequencies above 200 hz ?
There is not a way to do that via the AutoEQ to exclude frequencies, you can set a crossover curve to cut off 200Hz OR you can manually adjust a Graphic EQ curve and have those frequencies cut etc
Thanks for your response! Like I said, my speakers sound great, w/o any EQ, except in the bass. Since I can't stop auto eq from adjusting everything, including the bass, what will be the easiest and best way to return all the frequencies above 200 hz to flat ?
If you want to do it after the AutoEQ you can adjust the Parametric EQ on the output side for those low frequencies
LOL, I think you meant adjust the Parametric EQ after the Auto EQ Process to return the High Frequencies above 200 hz back to their Non EQ'd state.
Sorry, yes above, not below.