DBX Driverack 260 firmware update to 1.61?
Hello. My name is Utiu Laurentiu and I have a DBX Driverack 260 processor. I tried to make an updated firmware for the driverack, I succeeded, but I installed version 1.60. Only then did I read that if I already have 1.61 I should not update. With this version (1.60) the display moves slowly. Where can I download version 1.61 to return to this version? Thank you, best regards Laurentiu!
Okay good, I replied to your email too, if you're still having problems you can reach me via email.
donde se encuentra la liga de descarga, me paso lo mismo
Muchas gracias
You're welcome!
i did the same thing can somebody send me the link for firmware 1.61
the link is in this thread.
flash download of
161000 problam
i have falsh update dbx260 in error e5388 plz solution sir
after update driver rack 260 prog complete checksum 298e error show
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jkOSr4e_Dvsug0T_Q7hu96eVY96tXMKZ/view?usp=sharing
I have updated driverack 260 to Firmware 1.61 successfully using updater provided by you. All is well but i can't connect my driverack 260 to laptop using rs-232 cable after update. It is showing device is offline mode. After i downgraded to 1.60 it's connectivity working fine. Is there anything missing in firmware 1.61?
I can't understand. Plz give me any solution for this.
Thank you.
Depending on what revision PCB you have on your DriveRack 260 you may not even need the 1.61 updater. This was because of a hardware change. If the 1.60 is working and the system is not slowed down in operation then you need to run 1.60 on your system, etc
Thank you for your quick response.
Can you tell me what is the difference between both firmware versions.?
To expound further on my last post, we made a hardware/manufacturing change that necessitated a firmware update for the 260 to be able to operate etc. There are no real functional differences other than that, it is specific to the hardware is all.
If you have the previous PCB Board H/W revision, you have to run version 1.60, if you have the updated PCB Board, you have to use 1.61
Now i understand very well.
Thank you.
You're welcome!
would like to update my firmware
What version are you on? Why do you want to update it?
Keep in mind if you are on an older hardware revision of the DriveRack 260, you need to stay on version 1.60
If you are on a newer revision of the hardware you need to stay on 1.61
There is no other firmware updates that you need for the product, it is hardware dependent.