PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle
Dear Lexicon,
Who do I contact at Harman to receive a refund for the LXP bundle I purchased that hasn't worked for the bulk of the time I've owned it? I purchased the LXP bundle at the end of 2020 . I've been waiting patiently to use it but I'm fed up and I'd like my money back so that I can purchase a reverb that actually works and is supported. I can read that many consumers are frustrated that your software is not working with Mac Catalina 10.15 after a year of appearance. It's a shame.
Guy Renardeau
Hello Guy, I sent you a direct message to discuss this. Also just making sure it is in fact the LXP Native Reverb Bundle, your topic title says PCM Native Reverb Bundle, that bundle is working on Mac OS Catalina etc.
I have a similar problem. I want to get a refund of PCM native effects plugin bundle and buy PCM native reverbs plugin bundle. I didn't authorized my plugin yet. Please help me!!
Contact me by direct message