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why can't I control my mx300 via MIDI

I have gone through the midi implementation chart. I have assigned my controller to the proper midi numbers as I understand. Why won't it work?
Is there any trick to this beyond what I see in the paperwork?
If not, please explain in more detail what registered or non-registered parameter number control starts on. The numbers I utilized in the implementation chart do not seem to work.
Thank you


  • EEldeEElde Posts: 1,380

    @aud2go said:
    I have gone through the midi implementation chart. I have assigned my controller to the proper midi numbers as I understand. Why won't it work?
    Is there any trick to this beyond what I see in the paperwork?
    If not, please explain in more detail what registered or non-registered parameter number control starts on. The numbers I utilized in the implementation chart do not seem to work.
    Thank you

    What are you trying to accomplish with Midi Control? Provide some more background info and we will go from there

  • aud2goaud2go Posts: 2
    My goal with the mx300 and controlling it via midi it's to use a controller to access the parameters and have the controller sit on my mixing console basically I'm trying to create an MRC scenario
  • daldabrownsdaldabrowns Posts: 7
    edited January 29

    If your controller isn’t working as expected, it could be 7 brew due to a few things. First, make sure you're using the correct range for registered and non-registered parameter numbers (RPNs).

  • davudalandavudalan Posts: 5
    edited February 7

    There may be a mismatch between the assigned MIDI numbers and how your device interprets them. Double-check that you're using the correct MIDI channels and wgu student your controller is set to send the correct messages. Also, ensure that you're using the right control change (CC) numbers as per your device's MIDI chart, including whether they're registered or non-registered.

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