Soundcraft Ui24R Users Group on Facebook

You can post and watch videos, hear recordings and talk with thousands of other Soundcraft Ui24R mixer users on Facebook here:
Great resource, thank you @BrentPhelps !
Could you similarly let the Facebook Group know the link to these forums?
Can this Soundcraft forum host video and photo posts?
Yup. There is an Attach Image button right above the text field. ^
And you can embed a video by posting its link. To get the video above, I just copied the URL from Youtube:
The video is hosted on youtube and then post the link here on the forum? Same with Photos?, or can they be added directly to a post on this forum?
You're right, that Harman IFA 2018 video above is from YouTube.
Sorry for the confusion... images can be attached to your post. Video can be embedded by posting the URL of that video.