What are the personal mixers compatible with the SI Expression 3? What brands and models?
Dear, i have the SI Expression 3 mixer and need buy a system of personal mixer for musicians for stage(six or more)
What are the personal mixers compatible with the SI Expression 3? What brands and models? for example PM16 of Behringer. Could you give me information? Thanks in Advance.
You could use the Behringer if you feed their distribution box (PM16-I) using Analog outputs from the console. The most commonly used personal mixer is one of the Avioms utilizing an Aviom Card placed in the expansion slot of the console. If you use the newer A320 mixer then you could use a DANTE card and their Dante Distribution box (D800 Dante Distributor).
Soundcraft's sister company dbx also makes a personal mixing system called PMC. You could interface directly to that via BLU Link using as Si BLU card in the console's expansion slot