error the digital signature of driver file "soundcraftusbaudio.sys is not accepted by this operating
hi everybody!
I got an Notepad-5 and and HP Pavillion x360 with Windows 10. I´ve tried so many times to install de USB Control Panel but it´s impossible!! I received the following message: error the digital signature of driver file "soundcraftusbaudio.sys is not accepted by this operating system¨¨
am I doing some wrong?
Hey mate! You're not doing anything wrong. I've got the same issue. The software developers responsible for the driver for this device clearly do not know how and why drivers need to be signed.
In short, when a Company creates a Software product, it has to use a digital certificate, granted by a third party Certificate Authority to ensure a Customer that this Software is indeed provided by this Company and not SomeOtherCompany or a hacker pretending to be the Company to deliver a harmful software to you. Certificates are granted for no longer than 2 years usually and then need to be renewed. It looks like Soundcraft did not pay attention this time and the cert used to sign the driver is outdated, rendering this mixer pretty much useless for use with PC.
You can disable driver certificate check deep in your computer settings (I've got through the process, and it is kinda involved, you'll have to have access to your BitLocker codes in your Microsoft account before you start) - it worked for me after I disabled the certificate check, but just today I found that it doesn't work again Soundcraft shows "not connected" so not the ideal solution, especially keeping in mind that you put your computer under risk disabling a security feature.
So I'd suggest returning the device and getting another brand. Quite a shame, because the device itself is pretty neat (apart from not having a fcking 20 cent spent on a power button, doh!)
It's been 15 days since you posted, and it doesn't seem like there is an updated binary yet... Is there a good way to flag down the dev team to recompile their drivers with a new signature?
Hi, I had the same issue and I was able to solve it by disabling signed driver enforcement in windows 10. A quick google search will show you the steps to do so. I hope this helps.
I have considered doing that, but it is definitely NOT a good option. That is disabling one of the most important security settings on a Windows system.
Hi, disabling signed driver is only temporary. You disable this function, install the unsigned driver, and after a restart, your windows 10 will go back to enable signed driver, so you'll be protected again. I am recommending this option because it worked for me. Good luck!
Hey man, i PM’d you to ask for some details on your solution
7 weeks ago I sucessfully installed drivers to make Notepad-5 work on a Win 10 laptop.
This week, with a new laptop, I cannot get the drivers fully installed.
It will allow me to playback, but no record input options.
The graphic is a screengrab of the error message.
"The digital signature of driver 'SoundcraftUSBAudio.sys is not accepted by this operating system."
I'm running Win 10 Enterprise
I went back today to see if this has been addressed yet, but I still get the digital driver signature error with the latest drivers. This is a big black eye for Harman products, and I don't think I'll purchase anything from them again going forward.
Still same Certificate issue with these drivers.
Issue is not solved.
Just a workaround by digging into this forum.
And for for "Corp-Users" thats not allowed to be admins of the computer and for the users that's not Windows 10 "Black-Belt-admin" this is still a problem.
This is why my Pro-users are switching to competing products when they need something to work in Windows. (Behringer/Focusrite/Audient/etc)
(as one of my co-workers said ... "Oh well... I'll just use this other product that works...")
Why have a product listed without proper OS-support?
Windows 10 isn't exactly a "new product" anymore!
Hi, Harman! I have this problem too with 12FX.
I try to use your recommendation but it is not worked. Another way with WIN+R and gpedit.msc not worked too. What can i do?
Harman Hi!!!!!!! we are all having the same issue... the digital signature of driver file 'SoundcraftUSBAudio.sys is not accepted by this operating system. I even garnered V4.13 from tech support in europe PLEASE don't make us regret not going with behringer x32, if I cant record, I'll trade in for a x32 for functionality. Its been almost two years since I could record anything and am at wits end. Please do something the board sounds and looks great!!! Had some touble with support on my Roland kvx17 drums and had to go to the top with the issue, it got resolved
Still a problem over two years later - is anyone at Harman capable enough to work out that unsigned drivers can break Windows? Come on guys! At least answer us and tell us why this basic thing is not done...