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I have a problem with the media player playing for 15 min and it stops, and the play and pause, stop freezes. I try to change the track library does not respond. I remove the usb removes the library, I try to put a song does not respond, use another usb does the same. I have to turn it off the mixer is reset. and start working, just work for a few minutes and stop.....ayuda por favor..


  • Ping for any progress on this... We are experiencing similar issue with the ui16 - frustrating as we would like to use for "between set" music.

  • HARMAN_RobHARMAN_Rob Posts: 231

    @czar & @bentband please give HARMAN Pro Tech Support a call. They should be able to help you both immediately.

  • @Czar said:
    I have a problem with the media player playing for 15 min and it stops, and the play and pause, stop freezes. I try to change the track library does not respond. I remove the usb removes the library, I try to put a song does not respond, use another usb does the same. I have to turn it off the mixer is reset. and start working, just work for a few minutes and stop.....ayuda por favor..

    Been having exactly the same issue. Did you find solution?

  • @HARMAN_Rob said:
    @czar & @bentband please give HARMAN Pro Tech Support a call. They should be able to help you both immediately.

    This is not an issue of user error. This is a product fault.
    I've already started a support ticket and it has been ignored.

    @Czar said:
    I have a problem with the media player playing for 15 min and it stops, and the play and pause, stop freezes. I try to change the track library does not respond. I remove the usb removes the library, I try to put a song does not respond, use another usb does the same. I have to turn it off the mixer is reset. and start working, just work for a few minutes and stop.....ayuda por favor..

    I too have the same issue. Still hasn't been rectified in the latest firmware either. We get a lot of strange looks at gigs when someone's jam just stops cold.
    Shuffle play is also severly broken. I have a USB drive with hundreds of WAV files for intermission music. It only takes around 8-10 plays in shuffle mode for one of the tracks to repeat. Seriously, how do you screw up "random"???
    Come on Harman, get on this! These issues are so bush league! I've had better support from BEHRINGER, and that's a pretty low bar.

  • I am have this same issue. The media player just freezes, non responsive. I can see all my tracks, but cannot select or play any. Please help! Is this an update issue?


    I hit same problem.

    The only way to recover from this situation is to power off and restart UI24.
    In other words, if we caused this problem during showtime, we will not be able to use the player function again until the show is over unless we interrupt the event progress and restart the mixer.

    Since my test, I found ad-hoc resolving method.

    There are at least two ways to prevent this problem. This is big discovery.

    The first is to play the USB stick inserted in the REC slot without using the PLAY slot.
    Same USB stick that had a 100% problem when playing from the PLAY slot while the REC slot is empty, it can continue playing for 24 hours without any problems when playing from the REC slot.

    The Second way. Even when playing a USB sticky from the PLAY slot, we have to keep insert other USB stick in the REC slot.
    Anyway, REC slot make the PLAY slot safe.

    I don't know the reason of the problem but it occurs as a firmware bug.
    They should fix ASAP.

  • @TAICHEE said:
    The first is to play the USB stick inserted in the REC slot without using the PLAY slot.
    Same USB stick that had a 100% problem when playing from the PLAY slot while the REC slot is empty, it can continue playing for 24 hours without any problems when playing from the REC slot.

    The Second way. Even when playing a USB sticky from the PLAY slot, we have to keep insert other USB stick in the REC slot.
    Anyway, REC slot make the PLAY slot safe.

    This is very interesting. I will definitely be trying this at the next show.

    Give shuffle play a try, and see how many tracks it takes for it to repeat on you. For me, I have a drive with ~1000 WAVs, and it takes around 8-10 tracks before it plays the first one over again. I'm not sure how one can screw up "random", but Harman found a way to do it.

    They should fix ASAP.

    LOL!!! :D That's a good one!


    Harman found a way to do it.

    What a great brand..........
    Nobody can imitate


    There are at least two ways to prevent this problem. This is big discovery.


    The first is to play the USB stick inserted in the REC slot without using the PLAY slot.

    Same USB stick that had a 100% problem when playing from the PLAY slot while the REC slot is empty, it can continue playing for 24 hours without any problems when playing from the REC slot.

    The Second way. Even when playing a USB sticky from the PLAY slot, we have to keep insert other USB stick in the REC slot.
    Anyway, REC slot make the PLAY slot safe.

    Possibly third method to avoid freezing player function is here.
    Format the USB stick as set the allocation unit size = 64kB.
    Allocation unit size is called Cluster size or Block size as well.

    Probably, 4kB to 32kB per a block formatted stick occurs the problem.

    I am yet to concluded this test. And I hope you guys all test these 3 methods although actually Harman should do.

    I hope they will fix issues I and other guys uploaded here right now. There is a lot of basic issues as a digital mixing console device.

    I didn’t think it’s more buggy than behringer....
    Soundcraft was a brand for me since 8000, K2 and Vi3000.

    I found bugs but now I noticed that some of them had already reported here so I am very disappointed to this dev team.
    They are yet to begin fix even some months past.

    Player freeze ( this issue).
    Shuffle doesn’t shuffle.

    Snapshot load interrupts isolated channel audio as well.

    Aux solo can’t hear the sound of post EQ and dynamics even if it’s post.

    Aux solo and channel solo can’t set pre / post fader individually.

    Matrix solo is broken.
    No audio in Matrix solo.

  • As a potential buyer, I find Harmon's inattention to this thread very disturbing. I was ready to drop the hammer on a ui24, but now, I'm not so sure.

  • JWol1JWol1 Posts: 4

    Use the usb inputs on the side for the media player, they seem to be more reliable


    @dcharrison said:
    As a potential buyer, I find Harmon's inattention to this thread very disturbing. I was ready to drop the hammer on a ui24, but now, I'm not so sure.

    I agree.

    Soundcraft used to be a good brand.

    Actually "Harman" is not a professional company, I guess.
    They are home audio and car audio company.
    Almost members in Harman don't understand whether what is the problem and what is the standard as a mixing console even though they are named as support staff.
    There is a few staff who write a bit here but he or she doesn't seem so formal. And so he or she never reply "We are sorry to .....". It's like old days Chinese scams seller guys...

    I hope them to get a good staff.

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