NOTEPAD 12FX Usb output too low
NOTEPAD 12FX Usb output too low
I recently bought a notepad 12fx mixer.
I am using it for my online music classes and to record in garage band.
I can't send enough audio volume through the usb, neither for online classes nor for recording, I always have to directly use the internal microphone of my imac for lessons.
My question is: how can I send more volume level through the usb ??? Or is it not possible ??? Thank you
On a Windows machine you might try going in to Control Panel/Sound/Microphone and increasing the gain
Sorry I didn't see the iMAC reference.
Maybe there is a similar option to increase the gain in the MAC.
Make sure that your gain stage is set up properly using the 'Gain' control and the channel (strip) volume knob. In Windows Sound Settings, make sure that the 'input volume' is set to the highest level and choose the correct USB pair for the input. (To include the 12FX effects, you will need to choose 'Soundcraft USB 3+4' as the main input.
Then using Soundcraft USB Audio Control Panel, ensure that Inputs 3+4 are set to 'Mix L+R' .
Then set your streaming/recording (DAW) input to 'SoundCraft USB 3/4 if you want the effects to be in the stream. Otherwise, to stream ONLY Soundcraft USB 1+2, (or set Inputs 3+4 in the Soundcraft Audio Control Panel Audio Routing Tab to MIC 3+4, or Lines 5+6, or 7+8, to use any one pair of these mixer inputs.).
Turning up the Gain knob on mics until the red 'pk' (PEAK) light comes on occasionally, will set the input gain to the loudest without distortion. Then simply raise the level control. Read the documentation on how to monitor with phones, that is VERY important!
Jbg the audio return for the usb channel output is the red 9|10 red Level Knob, turn up and you can send the master to the L+R and listen on your monitors or headphones.> @jbg said: