USB return notepad

the USB return is stereo on the notepad 8fx? In my notepad the usb return of the music sounds monophonic and with the last update of firewire, does anyone know any solution to this?
I did tests in 2 different notebooks, both with windows 10, I have windows 7 but the problem is in all the notebooks, in all the usb return sounds monophonic or in all the notepads does the usb return work like this monophonic?
el retorno USB es stereo en la notepad 8fx? en mi notepad el retorno usb de la musica suena monofonico y con la ultima actualizacion del firewire, alguien conoce alguna solucion a esto?
hice pruebas en 2 notebook distintos, ambos con windows 10, yo tengo windows 7 pero el problem esta en todos los notebook, en todos el retorno usb suena monofonico o en todas las notepad el retorno usb funciona asi monofonico?
USB definitely should be a stereo return. It is summed together with any analog input patched into the RCA Jacks 7/8 so make sure nothing is patched in there- How are you monitoring = through Main Headphone Jack, Aux Jack, or Main Outs?
I am monitoring with the main output, on the phones it also sounds monophonic, from the reproduction devices I do the stereo test and it sounds monophonic, the rca input I tried it too and it does not sound 100% stereo, I pan and the channels are filtered, I no longer know what to do, return the product? Before I give up I tried everything within my reach, having had the same problem in 3 notebooks, with that it gives me the idea that the notepad is the problem, do you have any notepads? is your usb return stereo on your notepad? I change the notepad for a fast track m-audio and no problem, the perfect stereo