Signature 12 MTK - getting internal FX to send via USB
I am trying to work via Jam Kazam with a singer who has a Signature 12 MTK (but who isn't very technical). She is sending her primary vocals out via USB and I can hear those on my end just fine, but no FX that she has applied within the board (and she can clearly hear on her end) seem to be making it through to my side. Can this be resolved?
It's likely she is only sending her vocal channel to you. The FX can't be patched directly to the USB BUT they would be heard if she took the stereo mix (available on USB 13 and 14) to you. She would likely have to cross patch 13 and 14 to to the first two inputs on the software. (some simple software programs will only allow the first two channels of USB to feed their input). The attached link may be of some help