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Never had issues w/ ASIO drivers, but WDM seems a nightmare - any insights?

I've got a USB Ui24r that I'm connect to a DAW (Cakewalk) to through USB. ASIO drivers work hunky dory, but due to ASIO protocols in DAW, I can only "light up" one set of ASIO drivers. I was advised to switch to Windows 10 "WDM mode" and the same restrictions wouldn't apply.

The ASIO drivers are listed as 32/32 and the WDM drivers are listed as 16/16 - but they're stereo, so essentially that appears equal. The trouble? I can't get them to work. All I get is pink noise.

In the picture below, I've got a mic attached to channel 10 on the mixer. When I light the channel input up ... it pins the meter. The mapping scheme - correlated from ASIO presumption is as follows (in WDM):

Channel 1 - Main Bus
Channel 2 - Aux 1/2
Channel 3 - Aux 3/4
Channel 4 - Aux 5/6
Channel 5 - Aux 7/8
Channel 6 - 1/2 hardware
Channel 7 - 3/4 hardware
Channel 8 - 5/6 hardware
Channel 9 - 7/8 hardware
Channel 10 - 9/10 hardware
Channel 11 - 11/12 hardware
Channel 12 - 12/13 hardware
Channel 13 - 14/15 hardware
Channel 13 - 15/16 hardware
Channel 14 - 17/18 hardware
Channel 15 - 19/20 hardware
Channel 16 - 21/22 software

IS THIS ACCURATE? If not, please advise. Is there a secret to getting them to work? I can't seem to do it, and I'm pretty tech savvy.

What am I missing/doing wrong?


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