Si Expression versions & build numbers explained
I am looking to purchase a used Si Expression and would like to know the differences between the versions and build numbers that have been created after the consoles introduction. Does the most current firmware always bring all of the consoles up to date in terms of function/capacity?
Best Answer
HARMAN_Tder Posts: 184
Yes... correct. Firmware updates bring the console up to current spec. The only significant one was Version 2.0 which allowed the channel count to the mix bus to double to 64 inputs. 2.0 Build 12 is the lastest and fixed a long standing bug that hampered the use of our ViSi remote control App with the original Version 2.0.
@ngus said:
I am looking to purchase a used Si Expression and would like to know the differences between the versions and build numbers that have been created after the consoles introduction. Does the most current firmware always bring all of the consoles up to date in terms of function/capacity?Thx