UI24R line input gain level

I use the UI24R for live music mixing. During breaks I will play pre recorded playlists from my MP3 device which I plug into the Line Input RCA ports. I have been doing this for several years. The input signal from the MP3 device is weak which results in no head room for the mains when playing the playlist through the PA. I do not want to adjust the mains or subwoofer faders (aux for subwoofers) to have more volume in the FOH when using the playlist at break. I have found a temporary fix by patching the Line Input to channels 21 &22 as stereo channels. Then I can adjust both sets of faders for the desired FOH volume. However, I don't want to use this method. I want to be able to obtain enough volume quickly when using the MP3 playlist by adjusting the Line Input fader. HOW DO I ADJUST LINE INPUT GAIN LEVEL WHEN THERE IS NONE AVAILABLE ON THE GAIN PAGE? Where are the instructions for LIne Input in the manual? I am using the latest firmware revision.
Did you already had a reply from anyone ? I curious how to to that ...
Johndooh, there are no line input gain level adjustments on the UI24. The answer I received was : Line inputs do not have adjustable preamps so there is no way. Same with any digital channels, such as computer sends and returns thru the USB. You will have to use a channel with preamp to be able to boost the gain. Or get a player with more gain or a cheap preamp, such as ART Cleanbox Pro. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003S7T49K/?coliid=I1V41JI44PNGGB&colid=3OP7GBI1Q41WI&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it .
Of course there are many types of audio interface devices at many price points from different suppliers. Using a spare input channel to route the line input onto seems Okay for now.
If not connected to a power outlet for the media player, just use a converter cable?
Mind the gain change.
Or use ordinary D/I-boxes for the signal to be converted to XLR and use the mic pres as usual.