Unassign a channel from the main mix??
We have a Ui24r in our church & we are live streaming. We have an Aux which goes to the computer for the live stream. Some of these channels I want turned up on the live stream but not in the main mix (coming out the speakers into the room) Eg. the piano is loud enough in the room so I don't want it coming out the speakers, but I want it going to the live stream. I can turn up the Aux to full volume, but still don't get it coming through unless I have it turned up in the room.
Is there any way I can 'unassign' certain channels from the main mix so I can have them loud on the Aux but muted in the room?
It sounds like you might have the aux set up with it's signal source as post fader instead of pre fader. I haven't used that specific unit though. Mutes are always global, so you have to do this with fader levels. Set your gain so that the source level is line level and configure the aux to be pre fader instead of post fader. You can now mix two separate mixes. This is normally done with two different mixers, but it can be done with one. I would encourage you to read up about signal routing and pre/post fader settings in the Ui24r user's manual.
I needed the channels to be post fade, so the answer was to put those channels in a subgroup & have the fader right down on that subgroup, but up on the main mix screen which then still went to the aux.
It's working great now. It's a great mixer, so much you can do with it.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.