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Ui24r USB I/F is not recognized


i'm using a Soundcraft Ui24r since 3 years for live mixing without any problems. Now i'm trying to use it as an audio interface for recording purpose to a DAW (Studio One). Unfortunately, the USB device is not recognized by connection USB I/F to an USB 3.0 port to my laptop. I also connected USB I/F to an older pc using USB 2.0 but it is also not working.
I installed on both machines the "Multi-channelUSBAudio_DriverSetup_v3.20.0" in admin mode. The installation itself was successful. But when i open the Soundcraft USB Audio Control Panel, it tells me that no USB device is connected.

Does anyone have the same issues or solved it?

Thanks in advance!


  • Hello, I hope you managed to solve the problem.
    I am having the same issue, The USB I/F is not working anymore, not in Mac not in Windows. The others USB are working and the Mixer work without any other issue.
    In Mac I used before without problems and I didn't need a driver. (Not able to connect anymore)
    In Windows I installed the last Driver but not Working as well.
    Did you manage to fix it or realize what is going wrong ?
    I made a Factory reset but it didn't solve the issue.
    I contacted Supor Centre but not answering yet.
    Best regards.

  • Hi,
    unfortunately the issue is not solved yet. I opened a ticket at the support which was answered imidiately. But after many mails received and answered, the root cause of the issue is still not found. Probably i could be an incompatibility between UB 2.0 and USB 3.0. Or an issue with USB driver. Or the USB I/F port on the UI is somehow buggy.
    I tried several suggestions from the support but nothing brought us closer to the root of the problem.
    And i'm wondering why i do not find any more issues like this in the www. It seems the we both are the only ones having the problem. Does no one else using Ui24r as an recording interface?

  • Hi there Any news on this , I have the same problem

    BR Palle

  • Ok i Got the usb connection back😊
    I did a firmware upgrade to the newest version
    BR Palle
  • > @siimsound said:
    > Ok i Got the usb connection back😊
    > I did a firmware upgrade to the newest version
    > BR Palle

    Unfortunately I made a factory reset, update from factory to all the updates till the last one and nothing solved the issue.
    In the support centre there is an alert Do not use a more than 8Gb usb memory. But I am using a 32Gb USB memory and the update was successful. I don't think it could be a problem to update successful. Could be?
    I can see in the About the update and it always say update successful.
    The ui24r is not detected on windows or Mac.

    All the others USB are working and all the other things are working as well but the USB I/F

    It look like we are the only 3 persons in the work having this issue as there is not any info or post about it.
  • > @gega2002 said:
    > Hi,
    > unfortunately the issue is not solved yet. I opened a ticket at the support which was answered imidiately. But after many mails received and answered, the root cause of the issue is still not found. Probably i could be an incompatibility between UB 2.0 and USB 3.0. Or an issue with USB driver. Or the USB I/F port on the UI is somehow buggy.
    > I tried several suggestions from the support but nothing brought us closer to the root of the problem.
    > And i'm wondering why i do not find any more issues like this in the www. It seems the we both are the only ones having the problem. Does no one else using Ui24r as an recording interface?

    Hey, thanks for answering me. I didn't realise you answered. Sorry about it.
  • I have the same issue. I changed two cables (USB-IF to USB) and plugged the cable into USB 3.0 port of my Workstation. I get the message that Device not connected, Soundcraft USB ASIO AUDIO driver failed to load.

  • markvinimarkvini Posts: 3

    Ola estou com o mesmo problema, alguem conseguiu a solução?

  • Not yet. I have been writing to Harman Technical support. Hoping to hear back from them.

  • Hubie1Hubie1 Posts: 1

    None of my usb ports recognize when a stick is inserted. So... no way to do a reset. Please help!!!!!

  • fidobamfidobam Posts: 1

    Did anyone solve this issue?
    I used to have no problem at all, it always worked fine. Now it won't recognize when i plug in the USB...
    Soundcraft USB Audio Control Panel says that no USB device is connected.

  • driedgedriedge Posts: 1

    you are not alone, my usb i/f has never worked, didn't realize it at the beginning because i was just using it as a mixer, then i tried to use as interface and nothing.

  • jonesyjonesy Posts: 7

    I had this issue with an ex-demo ui24r that I had purchased.

    Apparently there was a known issue in earlier builds of the ui24r where the XMOS chip was not adequately protected and damage could occur which resulted in what's being described here - device not being recognised by the PC when connected via USB.

  • Estou com o mesmo problema. Funciona tudo..menos USB IF me ajudem. Help-me
  • Same issue here. Just got the unit back after asking them to check it. Came back "working correctly" and no change. Windows 11 Control Panel shows me swapping out two other interfaces but UI24r is dead! Any progress, anywhere?

    You guys should write your PC brand and device informations.
    At least my "Panasonic Let's note CF-MX5PFAVS" doesn't have any problem.
    ( Windows 10. )

  • DjSyleDjSyle Posts: 1

    Hi. Got the same issue. I have been using the ui24r and a Mac Book pro for a few years now in my home studio for mixing and sometime recording. I recently had a Wifi Router crash and had to reset the mixer to connect .
    Since then everytime I connect a usb stick for multitrack recording the connection get lost (lan, Hotspot..).
    I cannot connect either with external screen on the HDMI.. (randomly works... for some reason).
    I have also noticied that after a full reset the firmware was back to original, but I cannot upgrade anymore, it's not read from any of the usb port.
    It's useless right now and I am back to an my old MTK.
    It sounds more like a hardware failure to me, probably as mentioned by jonesy .

  • A ui24r como como interface é melhor liga-la aum a entrada usb 2.0 ou usb 3.0 de um pc windows ?

    edited September 2023


    Ui24R USB AUDIO protocol is in the USB2.0 but almost PC's USB 3.0 port has the compatibility.
    I mean that 2.0 is enough but 3.0 port can work as well.


    Yours is not the same issue.
    This thread is written about when they used this unit as an USB-AUDIO-INTERFACE via USB-B port.
    But you are NOT.

    Full reset makes it back to factory FW version.
    Yes it is.
    It's always described in a page about reset every time.
    Read the manual.
    USB size has to be less than 8GB.
    FAT32 format with MBR (master boot record) is MUST.
    It's not the ExFAT.
    Not the Apple's.
    Do not make it kinda double extension.
    ( Don't make it as like fullreset.txt.txt due to disabling extension with your OS settings )

    All of 4 slots can work for that purpose.
    Even if your either slots had been broken, you can do it.

  • Hello everyone, I had the same problem that my UI24R interface doesn't work. I installed the correct driver and had the correct patch and nothing passes from the PC to the UI24R. I solve this problem only with the correct USB-B 2.0 cable. Sometimes we have a Chinese cable that doesn't work well. I used the correct USB-B 2.0 cable (no china) and all interfaces are now working fine!!! Good luck.

  • https://www.soundcraft.com/en/softwares/soundcraft-multichannel-usb-audio-driver-v3-20

    ****disable driver signature enforcement.****

    Windows 10 enforces driver signatures by default. This can be disabled to install drivers that are not digitally signed. Use the following steps to disable driver signature enforcement.

    Click the Start menu and select Settings.
    Click Update and Security.
    Click on Recovery.
    Click Restart now under Advanced Startup.
    Click Troubleshoot.
    Click Advanced options.
    Click Startup Settings.
    Click on Restart.
    On the Startup Settings screen press 7 or F7 to disable driver signature enforcement.
    Your computer will restart and you will be able to install non-digitally signed drivers. If you restart your computer again the driver signature enforcement will be re-enabled.

  • patcasthpatcasth Posts: 2
    edited February 2024

    Since last week, i experience the same issues. Ik tried disabeling the driver signing. It didn's work. It also did not wok on another computer. The mixer was regognized, but the soundcard can't be found.

    I just changed the USB cable to an 2.0 port. Now it works ok.

  • UnderTheLeavesUnderTheLeaves Posts: 1
    edited March 2024

    @RenanSantos said:
    Hello everyone, I had the same problem that my UI24R interface doesn't work. I installed the correct driver and had the correct patch and nothing passes from the PC to the UI24R. I solve this problem only with the correct USB-B 2.0 cable. Sometimes we have a Chinese cable that doesn't work well. I used the correct USB-B 2.0 cable (no china) and all interfaces are now working fine!!! Good luck.

    Thanks a lot for the Tip !!
    I bought a proper USB 2.0 cable AND used an USB 2.0 adapter to plug the Ui in a 2022 mac book Air.
    Ugreen on amazon
    Works perfectly ! !


  • bontempibontempi Posts: 2

    I had the same problem at the end of 2023. I simply turned off the table one day, and the next day when I turned it back on, it had stopped working. I tested with several different cables and on different PCs. As the table was still under warranty, it was necessary to send it to an authorized person indicated by Harman, to have it repaired.

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