Copy files remotely?
Hi all,
New user to the forum.
I have a Soundcaft UI12 installed in my nightclub which we use as a digital mixer (our house jukebox, wireless mics, dj's, karaoke, etc). We also have talent that comes in with music on a USB stick and we plug that into the front USB and plays nicely from within the Sundcraft's built-in player.
My question is:
Is there a way I can remotely copy audio files to the Soundcraft's USB media?
The Soundcraft is hardwired into my network with a static IP address assigned to it locally and reserved in the DHCP. I do have secure VPN access to my network also.
- Currently talent sends me a few audio files via email. I copy it to a USB and drive 30 mins one way n' plug into the Soundcraft. They can and do bring their own media sticks but Murphy's Law moments like bad media; incompatible format; corrupt files; left on the bus; etc.. kinda suck.
- Ideally, talent sends me files via email and I can copy them remotely through my secure VPN onto a USB attached large media. That would save us a lot of physical time, gas & parking and bad luck moments as I described.
Whatcha all think?
and also extract the files from the stick remotely without having to swap the USB from one computer to another one.
Were you able to get your question answered?
Mixer doesn't have TCPIP file sharing function so it is not possible for the USB media usage.
Use USB-DAW instead of the USB media.
Your PC has TCPIP file sharing function and VNC let you to operate the PC. Something cloud sync are available too.
And so also you can control your ui mixer over the internet wth VPN access.
NDI or Sonobus will have you to listen to the mixer's output over the internet if you accept 1-2 seconds delay. Normally LR and AUX 1-8 and 22 analog inputs. Offline file ( json format snapshot ) can change the otuput patching for DAW as a secret feature so you may get solo bus instead of main LR, it would be better.
Use a smart AC sockets to make your ui mixer reboot from remote. Otherwise you'll spend parking, gas, and time cost to reboot your mixer when it's in a trouble that needs reboot.