Upgrade to latest macOS Ventura - notepad 12-fx does show channels 3-4 in DAW
Updated to Ventura 13.1 few days ago. After the upgrade, at least Reaper does not show channels 3-4 in the input selection. While not huge issue (yet) since my main workflow is to record 2 mics - i've also used to record master mix when doing live sets.
Since notepad doesnt really have separate drivers - almost feels like this is yet again Apple's issue and hopes of getting that solved aint good but in a mean while, anyone had similar issues or possible solutions ? There was at least this post: https://proforums.harman.com/soundcraft/discussion/138729/only-2-channels-detected#latest that "looked like" similar..
Hi friend, yep, I have the 12-fx too, and in Monterey and Ventura I plug in my guitar and no signal enters Logic, with which I record... Hartman, pay attention because there are many of us who work with the Notepad 12-FX...