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Several problems with a 2 year old UI24r

Hello all,

My UI24R often loses the LAN connection. The website can no longer be accessed and only a restart of the mixer brings me back the web interface. After that the problem is that all my settings are gone and I only get them back by importing a backup (backupui24.json). First I thought I would install the latest firmware 3.4.8318, but there is the next problem. The inserted USB stick is not recognized, no matter which USB port I use.

Can anyone help me, or do I have to send the device in for repair after 2 years?



    First, 3.4 and 3.3 have no difference.
    But you should do the full-reset then re-installing firmware.
    Yep, so the USB matter is the most important thing for you.

    Confirm the USB stick's format.
    It must be the FAT32, MBR.
    Not the ExFAT, NTFS anythings.

    FAT32 in the MasterBootRecord base.
    You can format the USB stick by PC.

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