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Low output signal to DAW's using Signature 10


Hello, I searched the forum and didn't find my issue so here's hoping someone can help. My current set-up is SM57 to channel in then out via aux send to MOTU D8 converter box then to a 2016 Macbook Pro (via Thunderbolt 2) running Ableton LIve 11 and Audacity, using good balanced cables. I'm also using the same mixer in the same way but with old MOTU 24i and 24i/o converter box's to a 424 Express card (via Firewire) with a 2nd gen Mac Pro running Digital Performer 3 (still a killer system). My issue is very low signal to my DAW's I have to crank the outputs on the send's as well as the channel fader's to get the lowest usable level's to my recording software (still to low really). I've not had this issue with a couple other board's I've used in the past, one being a Yamaha MG and the other a Pre-Peavey buy out Crest XR20. I believe it maybe that this series has low output levels and I'm now looking for something better any suggestion's?

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