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Ui24R: Internal hotspot and external WiFi at the same time

I watched the tutorial video on network setup, and it clearly demonstrated that it's possible to have all 3 networking modes enabled at the same time. HOWEVER, when I configure the Ui24R to join an existing WiFi network, the Internal Hotspot becomes disabled. And after doing that, if I try to re-enable the Internal Hotspot, the WiFi Configuration becomes disabled. I can't manage to get both configured and enabled at the same time. Has anyone else run into this? My Ui24R is brand new, firmware version 3.4.8318-ui24.



    It's normal although I have not watched that video.

    WiFi (Ui24R would be a child under any SSID ) and Hotspot ( Ui24R would be an access point for the children ) are exclusive.
    Wired connection is available at the same time.

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