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Signature 12MTK routing question

I am working with my vocal coach on a remote singing solution which involves his hosting a Zoom-like service where he plays piano remotely and I sing into a condenser mic that routes to him for broadcast over the Internet. I currently have the 12MTK hooked up to my Macbook Pro via the USB interface and it is working great, with the Zoom mic set to 12MTK channel 1 (the mic) and the Zoom audio being fed to the 12MTK vi USB return on ch. 11/12. I listen on headphones plugged into the board.

However, I need to add some reverb to the vocals but the USB multitrack send is pre-fader, pre-effects. While I have previously used a secondary board to add the reverb effect with output to the 12MTK ch. 1 I was wondering if it is possible (and safe) to use the aux subsystem to feed the vocals with effects back into the 12MTK.

I have created a wiring diagram to help explain what I am proposing:

The mic is plugged into ch. 1 and the aux1 dials are set such that the output of aux1 contains the vocals with reverb effect. Ch. 1 is added to PFL so I can hear myself. The aux1 output would then be routed back to ch. 2. The Zoom mic is set to MTK12 ch. 2 so the vocals with reverb is sent back to my vocal coach. USB RTN is enabled so that I can hear his piano on ch. 11/12, which are also added to PFL and I listen on headphones. Ch. 2 is excluded from PFL so all I hear is the mic+reverb and the Zoom audio.

Is this safe to attempt? Will it work? Is there any danger in routing the output of aux1 back into an input channel on the same board?


  • psyclopspsyclops Posts: 5

    Please note that all knobs and buttons not highlighted will be turned off.

  • psyclopspsyclops Posts: 5

    A more accurate diagram showing the mic and aux1 channel connections:

    Aux1 is connected back to ch. 2 with a balanced 1/4" cable.

  • psyclopspsyclops Posts: 5

    FYI I just spoke to support and they verified that this is safe and will work. A Reddit user suggested using ch.3 instead to avoid possible stereo crossover which I think works better anyway as I have a second mic plugged into 2.

  • psyclopspsyclops Posts: 5

    ....aaaaaand it worked. Like a dream.

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