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Isolates not saving after update to 2.1.5

Help!! Using for a musical with cues for mic changes. I want everything Isolated except for Channel On so cues only mute/unmute. After updating to 2.1.5 NONE of the isolate settings are saved each time I save the show and restart the board. Every night I start it up and all the isolate are gone. I tried both enabled and disabled for “ISO protects on show load.” Neither work. Shutting down the board is wiping everything out. Please help!



    What mixer are you talking about?
    This is "Soundcraft mixing consoles" forum.
    Nobody yet know what you have.

  • Aqstix101Aqstix101 Posts: 3

    Yes I have the same issue! Soundcraft SI Impact. The new "Feature" that dissables ALL Isolates when you power the console down is a major PITA! I also want all isolates to stay the same after a power down as use the console for theatre productions. I isolate almost everything except fader levels and FX when doing a Theatre production. The only work around is to ENABLE isolates on Show load, then load the show EVERY time after a power down! Come on Soundcrud - you fix some bugs and at the same time introduce new issues that didnt exist in the previous firmware! I now have to ensure the show is saved before powering down - thats ok BUT if there is a power cut then it is a very long wait to power up and load the show before we can get going again.

    On top of that - the console also has an occasional bug where if channel one is selected the console sometimes starts ramdom channel settings changes ALL BY ITSELF! - eq changes, compressor, gate etc literally start changing as you watch. The ONLY way to fix that bug - is to power cycle the console - then guess what - all your Isolates are gone!!! Go have a cup of tea while you wait for the console to Reload the whole show as it is painfully slow! I have a video of this issue and have seen it happen on more than one SI Impact console.

    @rsto10 -See above workaround. you need to actually re load the show to put the isolates back


    So you guys are talking about the firmware of Si series (impact, performer and expression) version 2.1 build 5 ?
    I am yet to update my expression 2 firmware to the 2.1.
    Will do then check.

  • Aqstix101Aqstix101 Posts: 3

    Correction to my Isolates fix above - when loading a Show - if you want the show Isolates to be recalled then in the SHOW, EDIT SHOW menu you need to set the ISO PROTECTS ON SHOW LOAD setting to DISABLED.

    Soundcraft have used a very unusual terminology here. When DISABLED, Show Isolates will be recalled. When ENABLED - All Isolates will be reset (turned off) on show load.

    SOUNDCRAFT - PLEASE FIX this Isolates being all dissabled at power off ISSUE!!!

  • Aqstix101Aqstix101 Posts: 3

    And to clarify the above - this is after a console power down or restart of the console. When powered down all Isolates get turned off.
    The ISO PROTECTS ON SHOW LOAD - ENABLE setting will keep any Isolates you have set since the console has been turned on, but NOT LOAD any Isolates from the SHOW file.

    edited July 2024

    I checked my Si Expression2.
    Shows can save ISOLATE settings without any issues. So the title of this thread is not right.

    What the problem is that even though you disabled "ISO protects on Show load" status, rebooting unit makes that status to ENABLE each time.

    So you have to do this routine each time.

    1. Save a snapshot as a cue in the show then overwrite the show before shutting down.
    2. After rebooting the mixer next time, tap the shows button.
    3. Change status of the "ISO protects on Show load" to DISABLE.
      ( It comes ENABLE every time of the booting. This is the bug in "v2.1 build 5". )
    4. Load the current show again.
    5. Recall the cue which you saved before the last shutting down.

    It really bothers you.
    I recommend you to report this bug to Soundcraft for the next update.

    My guessing about why the mixer doesn't boot with correct ISOLATE settings is below.
    Mixer is always saving the own status in the memory as something like a snapshot. The latest one would be loaded when the mixer boots. However, the "ISO protects on Show load" is already enabled before the unit loading it."Nothing has been isolated" status would be protected before loading a kind of the latest snapshot.

  • Has anyone had any response from Soundcraft on this issue? I just Upgraded firmware on my SI Performer 3 and immediately noticed this issue on a short theater run. Snapshots were recalling unwanted parameter changes until I noticed the global isolates were turned off. I've tried your fix above but any way I try the global isolates ALWAYS reset after bootup. This will be HUGE issue for my larger shows in the fall. Thanks all!


    Now Soundcraft released new firmware. ( 10. DEC. 2024 )


    • Isolate settings in Show menu are now recalled correctly after a power cycle
    • 'ISO Protects on Show Load' now keeps last setting after a power cycle (previously was always set to 'Enabled')
    • Fixed: Show name could get replaced by the name of another Show after loading different Shows

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