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ui24r Aux4 gets no output, system shows output

All the Aux's, (haven't tested headphones yet) work except Aux 4. Get no output

Tested each one down the line nothing on 4.
Heard of the problem before?



    Do you mean that physical port as aux4 instead of the bus as aux4?
    Did you confirmed the patching?
    That's what you need check first. ( See this attaching ).

    I have ever heard the physical damage due to the wrong operation, though. That guy had told that physical XLR out port received 48V phantom from other console by wrong operation then output circuit hurt. He was using this mixer as a sub mix. He was a tech guy then opened and checked. Some capacitors was for up to 30V. Actually the phantom usually got down to around 30-35V when it reaches the next device but 30V is still too weak as against it. However, that accident didn't kill the output. It just affected the level down in few dB and also the lower tone's different, I heard.

  • ttangottango Posts: 16

    Patching was correct


    So your physical aux 4 port is patched from the AUX4 bus, right?
    Next you should check the meter bridge.
    The AUX 4 indicates the level?
    If it does not, you possibly muted the aux 4 master by directly or mute group or VCA.

  • ttangottango Posts: 16

    ill check that

  • ttangottango Posts: 16

    no, I get signal on aux 4 and I got signal on the master, no output through the speaker. I change to any other aux and I get output including 9 and 10 through the headphones. no mutes are on anywhere just aux 4 doesn't work

  • ttangottango Posts: 16

    default patching

  • ttangottango Posts: 16

    GOT IT. I was looking at the HW ins and not the HW outs. Im a dummy



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