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Just bought UI24R digital mixer and understand you can use the hdmi and usb ports to support a touchscreen and thus use it much like a tablet/phone/computer. Needing recommendations on what touchscreen monitor is capable



    Read the Ui24R_addendum_V3.pdf

  • I did, it doesn't really help. Hoping to hear from someone who is USING a touchscreen so that I can narrow the search

    edited April 2024

    Anyway those PID VID are needed for display devices to have been detected from the mixer. Even if the device model were same as later versions, what had different PID does not work with the direct connection. ( Video works but the touching does not work. So it needs USB mouse and keyboard to operate but it means that you don't need the touch panel display anymore and normal display would be enough for the usage because almost displays work for video only usage.... )

    Direct HDMI connection only support 720P (1280 x 720) resolution as the maximum size.
    And the BIG-D mode is also unsupported.
    These are the limitation of the direct HDMI connecting usage.

    I have ACER T232HL as a 23 inch display but it needs some zooming out.
    Otherwise the fader size would be too fat ( too much width ) because the 23 inch is too large against to the 720P.
    However the zooming out makes faders too tall. ( Too long height ).
    My hands usually fit to 100mm faders then such tall faders are very bad for my operation.
    Then finally I use the touch panel display via PC even though the display is supported with the direct connectable list because it's available the BIG-D mode.
    And then the laptop pc what has touch panel display as the lid display is more useful.
    Actually the HDMI cable does not support longer than 15m length without optical ( or something amplified chip ) converter something but LAN cable can work easily up to 100m.
    And almost unsupported displays are available to use for an external display of Windows PC.
    It's always better than the HDMI and USB direct connecting usage.

    If you strongly like to use direct connection from the on-board HDMI port, I suggest you to use 15-20 inch displays due to the fader length matter.
    Probably the number 28, VID-2386, PID-3124, a.k.a. China generic would be better, if you could find it. They don't describe the VID and the PID so you should ask it but almost sellers probably don't know even what those ID are. Sometime PID would be changed, so it could be a kind of the gambling. And I suggest you to join the Facebook user's community to ask same question. Sometimes I've seen the users reported the Chinese no-brand touch displays ( in eBay or Ali ) worked with that direct connection of the mixer.

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