wifi connection of my ui24r aint working. i need to replace the panel,
the wifi connection of my ui24r aint working. i need to replace the panel, kindly help on how to purchase it.
the wifi connection of my ui24r aint working. i need to replace the panel, kindly help on how to purchase it.
Why don't you send the unit to the official support repairing ?
Otherwise why do you want to repair the WiFi?
You may use the wired connection with external WiFi access point.
( If it was only the WiFi section issue. )
Does the unit boot well but has a problem only with the wifi connection?
Did you reset the unit?
I had a similar issue with my UI24; only one person could connect at a time. As it was a brand new unit Sweetwater replaced it under warranty. However, the support tech strongly suggested getting an outboard router.
I know a router is easy to find, however can anyone suggest one that play’s nice with their UI, from personal experiences?