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Ui24r Record EQ and FX via USB -> PC

Good afternoon,
i'm a newbie in this field of electronics, but i'm IT expert in Networks, Servers, home recording as hobby.
I'm going to buy a Ui24r, i used in the pas other mixer and recorded tracks via USB cable to PC using Cubase, each track for each channel.
I'd like to know if there is a workaround to record Ui24r with EQ and FX, so i can record "as i'm listening" on my PC with parallel simultaneous tracks.
If i record without EQ and FX i have to re-create later on post production, i'd like to avoid this because i m only hobbist in home recording. Something like "record what you hear" but separate tracks so i can adjust volume before to export mixdown with Cubase or other softwares.
1) Can i do it?
2) if yes, how? are there some easy videos to watch?
Thank you so much


    Direct out tap is fixed.

    Save snapshot while recording.
    When you playback the recorded tracks, it comes to same point so same sound will be reproduced. You don’t need to recreate. Just load a snapshot. You may adjust fine.

    Otherwise, if you strongly hope to record some post processing audio, you may record tracks ( up to 10 tracks ) via aux bus. It adds more approx 2.65ms latency.
  • Hi, sorry for late answer, i lost account until 1 week ago. So.
    can you explain in detail what is snapshot, and/or if it's a silly question can you send a link to some video to explain?
    If i save snapshot (from where to where? from mixer to a usb? from mixer to usb drive?) and later where should i load the snapshot that previously i created?
    I d like to elaborate traks with cubase,how should i import snapshots?

    I can also record tracks via aux bus but i cannot do it if i have speakers connected to aux as stage spy speaker for musicians, am i right?


    Snapshot makes save all mixing settings from preamp, comp, gate, EQ something to IO patching. It is that one as known as the scene in other mixers. Snapshot will be saved in the device memory as a new snapshot or overwritten one. You can export it to your USB pendrive from the shows menu and it is a human-readable textfile ( json format ). Show is a kind of the folder which contains several snapshots. You can carry the exported snapshot only to other Ui24R device but Cubase doesn't import it.

    You will need to record multitrack once as raw direct out anytime. If you saved snapshot for each song, you can reproduce same mix on the ui24R mixer later. To import all tracks to Cubase as POST EQ is not easy. After you brought the mixer back home, you have to dab that multitrack to Cubase via AUX several times.

  • thank you. i d like to record audio "as i m listening", in multitrack, so i can give to musicians without post-processing. that's to say: if they want post-processing they should pay. Otherwise, if they only want a souvenir of the event, i d like to record "as it was on LR". can i do it with a workaround?
    Stupid example: can i connect phones output to a Focusrite and record L-R as is the public listening? it's not a multitrack but it's better than nothing.
    Any ideas?

    edited November 2024

    Multitrack will only record pre processing.
    It is the standard of the all kind of recording.
    Processing will be affected when the mix down.
    So I suggested that snapshot usage.
    You can reproduce the live mixing status anytime.

    For that stupid example, Ui24R can record 2tr miix so you don't need Focusrite.
    This 2tr recording is the post processing.
    You can record multitrack and 2tr simultaneously.



    Your purpose would be enough on the 2 track recording of the master LR. Multitrack is for the mixing again.

    2 trk recording will record the master mix audio as all post processing. It includes the GEQ of the master bus.
    If you tune your FOH PA system in this mixer without using outboard audio processors instead, I recommend you to use MATRIX for the PA. That matrix would be post master then you can run any harder EQ ( against the feedback or to fix any strange system sounds ) there and the master can stay no EQ to keep the recording quality.

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