Home Soundcraft User Forum Soundcraft Mixing Consoles

Very low output from Ui24R into DAW

I acquired the Ui24R to record my band live and during rehearsals. I am able to get output from the Ui24R to show up in my DAW but the level is very low to the point of being almost unusable. Using another interface (Focusrite 18i20) connected via USB cable, the levels are fine. Is there some kind of patching I need to do? Are output levels adjustable?



    Mac or Win ?

    Anyway those level are adjustable at their OS driver.

  • Windows. Are you talking about the "USB Audio Control Panel"? If so, it looks like they're at their max.


    Yes, and it looks no problem.

    When you compared the level of Ui24r with Focusrite, how different ware?
    Can you show the screenshots of the same DAW input ?


    BTW, did you understand the routing?

    Your DAW had that input number from Ui24r as below

    1. Main L bus
    2. Main R bus
    3. Aux 1 master bus
    4. Aux 2 master bus
    5. Aux 3 master bus
    6. Aux 4 master bus
    7. Aux5 master bus
    8. Aux6 master bus
    9. Aux7 master bus
    10. Aux8 master bus
    11. HWIN ( AD converter ) 1 ( XLR combo )
    12. HWIN ( AD converter ) 2 ( XLR combo )
    13. HWIN ( AD converter ) 3 ( XLR combo )
    14. HWIN ( AD converter ) 4 ( XLR combo )
    15. HWIN ( AD converter ) 5 ( XLR combo )
    16. HWIN ( AD converter ) 6 ( XLR combo )
    17. HWIN ( AD converter ) 7 ( XLR combo )
    18. HWIN ( AD converter ) 8 ( XLR combo )
    19. HWIN ( AD converter ) 9 ( XLR combo )
    20. HWIN ( AD converter ) 10 ( XLR combo )
    21. HWIN ( AD converter ) 11 ( XLR )
    22. HWIN ( AD converter ) 12 ( XLR )
    23. HWIN ( AD converter ) 13 ( XLR )
    24. HWIN ( AD converter ) 14 ( XLR )
    25. HWIN ( AD converter ) 15 ( XLR )
    26. HWIN ( AD converter ) 16 ( XLR )
    27. HWIN ( AD converter ) 17 ( XLR )
    28. HWIN ( AD converter ) 18 ( XLR )
    29. HWIN ( AD converter ) 19 ( XLR )
    30. HWIN ( AD converter ) 20 ( XLR )
    31. HWIN ( AD converter ) 21 ( RCA white )
    32. HWIN ( AD converter ) 22 ( RCA red )

    You should set the input patching at your DAW accordingly.

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