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ui24r play multitrack and play additional instruments live possible ?

We have the ui24r since some weeks and invested some time to get it running for our rehearsals as a rockband with 6 musicians. So far so good - could get some IEM and also did some Multitrack recordings. The mixer is quite nice.

What we are wondering - would it be possible to playback some tracks from a multitrackrecording like the drum tracks, in case the drummer is absent. And to play over the system with our guitars, bass and vocals ?

So far we couldn't find it out.

Or is the only way to make first a L/R 2-channel mix and to play this ?`

Thanks for any hints



    It's a cinch.
    You can change the input patching in each channel.

    Like these screenshots for example ch 1-5 have the patching multitrack recorded and ch 6 to the end have the patching from physical analog input ports.

  • I have a similar situation only I have milti-track recordings done in Logic. These tracks have between 2 - 8 channels/tracks.

    Can I do something similar, only use multi-track recordings from Logic patched to USB-DAW 1-16, with HW Ins set to 17-32 for physical inputs (mics, guitars, keys etc) ?

    edited November 2024

    You can use those prerecorded sounds what from DAW and the live physical inputs simultaneously.

    However, you told 32 channels, 32 are not possible because Ui24 has only 26 channels for inputs.
    So, 26 are possible.

    You can use pre-multi-track recordings from Logic with patching to the CH1-16 from USB-DAW 1-16 with HW Ins set to the CH17-26 from physical inputs (mics, guitars, keys etc). Now I described Line IN L R channels as those CH number 25 26. Actually those Line-IN-LR can be separated and patchable free.

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